Monday, October 10, 2022

Body Shots for Self-Defense?

In my previous altercations,if I was seriously trying to put someone down,I always aimed for the head. But that was back when I was untrained,and I do believe that if you're an untrained person who has found yourself in the middle of an altercation,you should stick to headhunting as you probably don't hit hard enough/have the body mechanics to have much effectiveness aiming for the body. except maybe the groin if the opportunity presents itself. (Same concept applies to using Leg Kicks as an untrained person. It probably won't help you)

But if you do have extensive training in a good striking art/system,do you feel that body shots are a worthwhile way to deal damage? or merely as a way create an opening to strike the head? (or retreat...but that's not the topic here,lol)

Would like to hear your thoughts. Maybe you even have live-fire experience with applying this. Would definitely like to hear about it if so.

Submitted October 10, 2022 at 11:36AM by MEoDP1

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