Monday, March 15, 2021

Nonstandard tips for concealment

Note to the mods: I wasn't sure how to flair this, so I took my best guess. Change if needed.The belt and proper holster set of tips has been done to death, I'd like to offer a slightly different tip: Jewelry and other eyecatchersI'm a graphic designer. A big part of my job is to make you, the consumer, look where I want you to look. If I want you to look at the model in the dress and ignore the price, I can do that to you. I can make you ignore fine print on a contract, restrictions on a coupon, and the inclusions of "100% USDA Toddler Meat" on an ad for a hamburger. I can do that because that's my job (not that last one, I swear).I carry appendix everywhere that is legal. While I have confirmed that 99% of the time I am not printing, I still do my due diligence to make sure no one notices if I do. My method is jewelry and dark clothing. A masculine stainless steel necklace that catches the light, a bracelet or two that look interesting and stylish. Even hanging my flashy blue reflective sunglasses on my shirt collar at the grocery store counts here. If I do print while out doing the shopping, most people would be entirely unaware. They're noticing the contrast of shiny metal on black clothes.Ladies, at the risk of sounding like a creep, men will notice cleavage days before we notice a gun printing through your shirt (hell, even some women, let's be equal opportunity booblookers ok?).Don't do jewelry? A non-subtle graphic tee with print high on the chest achieves the same result. A polo with contrasting buttons maybe. A ringer style tee. Or (sign of the times) a wildly printed facemask would certainly draw attention.It's a skill everyone can practice and pull off with absolute ease. Make people look where you want them to look, hide in plain sight. True urban camouflage.Also, all-over patterned shirts often effectively obfuscate concealment print lines. via /r/CCW

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