Saturday, January 23, 2021

[REVIEW] KT-Mech holsters

Trash. Absolute Trash. Their Angelfire webpage should have been an indicator.I have now owned three KT Mech holsters. Two OWB Pancake style, both with TLR-1 support and one "Duty" style on Blade-Tech TMMS.The fitment between the pancake style kydex is not fastened at the bottom, it creates a terrible gap that they also don't heat fuse. It looks cheap as hell.The body side is cut so insanely high, and flared away from the holster, that the grab is unnatural and obnoxious. I have to out stretch my thumb to avoid the kydex, which means when drawing I have almost zero pressure outside of the webbing of my hand while un-holstering. This has to be one of the most bizarre choices and insecure feelings. I had to dremel out a significant portion and even then it was still gross.The insertion click is mush, and travels in that mushy zone for .2". Don't argue and say that it's because I am running a TLR-1. I have Red River Tactical Holsters, Raven and Werkz that all snap like Thanos when the gun is inserted.The kydex shape and look as a whole in my opinion is on the cheap side. It is .08 Kydex but it's uninspiring, especially when combo'd with the fastening methods for the OWBs. Any of the three holsters I have, I can easily pinch together and change the shape. I have other holsters in .08" where that is not as easily done.It gets worse. The company - Ordering from them is 4D Chess. Their website is akin to driving in Houston, during rush hour, while doing blow and a jigsaw puzzle.For the price they are, they have no advantage over any other major go-to brand.I brought up these concerns in a very constructive criticism email to them, with pictures of problems I was having. Here is their reply.Sorry to hear that about your opinion. From what you've described and from the pictures you sent, everything seems to be as they should. Please keep in mind that the holster's designs are an evolution from the 10's of thousands we've sold to actual individuals, not to a super store nor wholesale. That means that just like you, many others have provided us with their feedback, and the holster's current design is the culmination of ideas to accommodate the majority. Naturally, there will be a minority few who would disagree, and that's okay. We can't please everyone.Sounds like you have some great ideas. You might do well building and selling holsters yourself.KT Mech is supposed to have this untouchable level of customer service according to people on reddit. This doesn't scream that to me, it seems more of a polite "tough shit". I was never asked how it could be made right. When I begrudgingly ordered a AKELA holster from them 3 months later, seeing that I was going from Pancake to a single wrap of Kydex and expecting a different type of build, I was met with a 25% restocking fee when I inevitably wanted to return it.I can not express enough how absolutely uninspiring, basic and lackluster these holsters feel. I've run dozens and dozens of holsters over the years and these are the worst and most expensive holsters I have tried. via /r/CCW

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