Saturday, January 30, 2021

Pro-carry bills on the move in Jefferson City, MO

HB52 allows carry on public transit with a concealed carry permit.HB212 prohibits employers from prohibiting you from keeping a locked firearm in your vehicle.HB52 (Firearms on Public Transit) and HB212 (Firearms in Motor Vehicles) will be heard by the House General Laws Committee on Monday, February 1st at 6pm. Be there if you can, otherwise please write and call the committee members. You can also use this link. Looks like there are also links to submit testimony: HB52 HB212 - though they're being heard at the same time so either link will do, just click the checkboxes for both bills when submitting testimony.There is also the pair of 'Second Amendment Preservation' act bills that are an anti-commandeering play to make the feds use their own resources to enforce federal gun control laws that violate the US Constitution and / or the Missouri Constitution.SB39 (Second Amendment Preservation Act) was approved by the Senate General Laws Committee.HB85 (Second Amendment Preservation Act) was approved by the House General Laws Committee and has been referred to the House Rules - Legislative Oversight Committee and a hearing will be held on Monday, February 1st at 2:30pm. Be there if you can, if not, write and call the committee members. via /r/CCW

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