Sunday, January 31, 2021

February Constitutional Carry Updates

February Constitutional Carry UpdateWe currently have 16 constitutional carry states. I predict we'll get 3 states passed this year, and 2 are already close. The rest have had little movement. Legislative sessions typically take months to find the right bills and get them through the right committees, so keep a close watch on your state and contact your representatives early and often.RECENT MOVEMENTMT's new R governor ran on passing constitutional carry, and now MT is a full R-Trifecta state so the governor will likely sign it. This passed the house already, and just passed the Senate committee vote. It's on to the full State Senate to vote, so contact your State Senators here. Follow the specific bill HB102 here. My thoughts: This one is looking great so far and also allows campus carry, double whammy. This should be the first new constitutional carry state of 2021!UT's Governor Cox said he would sign constitutional carry, and the bill just passed the Utah House. It looks like it passed the senate committee vote and now moves to a full Utah Senate vote, so contact your State Senators here. You can track HB60 here. My thoughts: This one is looking great so far too and we're on track for at least 2 new states this year. I also liked that in the link above, Kansas measured what happened after the permit was removed and permits went down, but classes went up. I think if anything thats another piece of evidence that a permitting system is a barrier to entry for poor citizens to exercise a constitutional right, as I believe most of us here know. They still went to train just didn't need to spend the time and effort jumping through government hoops.NO MOVEMENTTN had the governor himself propose a constitutional carry bill. However, there's barely been any recent news on it since the Governor's COVID emergency session has derailed normal proceedings. Contact your reps here.TX had a little momentum last session before then-House leader torpedoed the bill, because of a "threat" (he lied and said someone threatened his family at his door, but the police cam footage proves Chris McNutt didn't even get to his house lol). The house leader then resigned due to a different scandal. After not losing ANY seats to Democrats in 2020 with Trump on the ballot as they feared, I have a small amount of hope for some pro-gun legislation this year. No official moves yet, but there are a few suburban reps pushing for it and the Texas Freedom Caucus just named it as one of their top priorities. It's on the list for this session, but as 1 of 8 priorities. With COVID continuing this is uncertain. Contact your reps here.SC never really got off the ground last session, however, Rs increased their seats and there is some talk of passing constitutional carry. Contact your reps here.IN is R controlled and has had issues getting constitutional carry out of committee because of donations to key members from Everytown (you read that right). However, those 2 problematic members are out now, and there's rumblings that IN could move forward. There are 4 bills on the docket so this one is still early. Contact your reps here.AL had some momentum but failed a committee vote by 1, after Sheriff & police pressure. But I'm including them a bit higher on the list since they at least GOT to the commitee vote. Contact your reps here.IA is R controlled but never really got anywhere, including them since they're a trifecta who also had some surprising 2020 R wins. Iowa has a better chance of passing the amendment which enshrines the right to bear arms and says the judiciary must use strict scrutiny in all gun cases, so be sure to vote for it in 2022. Contact your reps here.OH is R controlled but seems unlikely. At least they got stand your ground. Contact your reps here.GA had momentum last year, and the governor ran on constitutional carry. I put them lowest because I believe the career politicians will get really scared after they flipped in the presidential and Senate elections. Pro-Gun shit is probably dead in Georgia for the time begin and I haven't seen any news showing otherwise. I hope they prove me wrong!FL is R controlled. No new news. I don't see this happening personally but good luck.Please let me know if you're from any of these states and have more information. via /r/CCW

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