Monday, January 4, 2021

My absolute worst nightmare: my wife was in a bank while it was being robbed and I wasn’t there to protect her.

TL:DR my wife was in a bank getting robbed and told the robber “no thanks have a good day” when he tried to stop her. When she went out to the parking lot she flipped off the get away driver for blocking her in.So today I had a big scare when my wife called me crying that her work errand to the bank ended with the bank getting robbed while she was inside.After the 15 minute panic of actually making sure she was ok, the situation turned out to be humorous while also a poor reflection of my preparation of my wife’s situational awareness.As most can probably assume by me posting here, I am huge into the self defense and self protection mindset. I believe that each person has a responsibility to prepare and protect themselves to their own comfort level.However my wife is not into this lifestyle as I am. She is comfortable being around firearms but does not like using anything other than my 10/22, but that’s another story somewhere in my post history. I have tried to train and bring her into it, but with this being something she doesn’t want to be disciplined in,l to my level, she only practices occasionally so far.While I was at work she stopped at the bank for her job to get some change for her store. While she was in there she noticed the person who came in after her kept getting close to the side she was holding her deposit bag. She kept trying to inch away from him but he kept inching with her.Eventually a teller opened up and called her forward. While she was dealing with her business, the man that was behind her implied to his teller that he had a weapon on him. My wife did not notice this or hear this and had no idea the bank she was in was in the process of getting robbed. After her teller hit the silent alarm and got my wife her change to try and act normal, my wife, still clueless turns around and starts to walk out of the bank. As she walks away the robber pulls out the gun and yells at her “hey you! Sto-“ but before he can finish his sentence my wife, who didn’t know she had a gun pulled in her, without turning around, says “no thanks have a good day” and raises her hand to wave him off.Thank god the robber didn’t do anything and just turned around and went back to robbing the bank for what he could get.As she gets in her car she gets blocked in by a car. She thought it would move out of the way but once she realized it wouldn’t, she stepped out of the car, flipped off the driver and asked if he could fucking move. The driver- who was the get away driver, moves his car and she backs up, and starts to leave when she sees the guy run out with a firearm and realizes the bank got robbed.This whole situation was extremely lucky, scary and a little humorous in a stress induced humor kind of way. I’ve tried to talk to her about changing her perspective on CCW but my main concern is making sure she is at least situationally aware enough to not get stuck in a situation like this in the future. She understands how lucky she was and how bad today could have been.I wanted to share the experience because I know many of us have family members who do not think like us or behave like us. And this can be a great conversation starter.Our family members need to at least be aware enough of their situation to not accidentally put themselves in danger. via /r/CCW

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