Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Issues with carrying at work.

I live in coastal georgia, and I work in a pretty bad area of my town. Theres lots of drug addicts around here and theft, and I get off work pretty late. Recently there was a situation where the cops chased a guy onto the property here at my work and ended up behind my shop and had to taze him multiple times. I work at an auto shop and we've had a few times where customer cars got stolen out of. My problem is, my work says I can't carry, and if I do I'll get fired on the spot. I'm not even allowed to have my gun in my vehicle on the property. Now, from what I've read about georgia law, an employer cannot base your employment on wether or not you'll have a gun on you, and they have no say in what you have in your vehicle. There's no signs on the building saying no guns allowed, and customers come in from time to time carrying with no issues. I'm not really sure what to do. I want to carry at work, but I don't want to get fired. I had a situation where I was at the gas station behind my work and a crackhead asked me to buy him a crack pipe and a brillo pad. Honestly, I diddnt know what to do in that situation. He seemed really pissed off and I diddnt want him to pull a weapon or something, so I just went in and got him his shit. if I had my gun I would have felt better about saying no. I've tried talking to my manager but they won't budge. Any advice? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2XjJbUF

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