Sunday, January 3, 2021

How do I handle people disrespecting me?

I'm 23 and all my life I feel like I've been too nice. Whenever someone disrespects me or insults me, I don't know how to respond. I know I should stand up for myself, but whenever a situation like this occurs I get anxiety because if I have to put this person in their place it can lead to a confrontation and the thought of that makes me uncomfortable.

I remember I had a dude in school that would insult my intelligence. I remember one time when I didn't do so well on an assignment he was like, "Wow you're stupid." I just looked at him and looked away. He would make these kind of comments whenever I didn't do well on something. I always let him get away with it without confronting him.

I currently have a coworker that I don't like who has disrespected me and came at me wrong a few times. We work in a restaurant. One time when I was washing dishes, I accidentally splashed some dish water on him. He was doing prep, and the prep table is very close to the dish tank. It wasn't a lot of water, just a few droplets. I immediately apologized. He then said, "WHAT THE F&CK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" in a very hostile tone.

It was a mistake. I didn't appreciate him speaking to me that way, but I didn't confront him.

This same coworker made comments on my work shoes saying they look raggedy as hell and he also told me that I am lame as hell for having no social media accounts (besides Reddit). I don't like how he speaks to me at times, but I let him get away with it.

This happens to me with a lot of people. People insult me and disrespect me, and I honestly have such a hard time confronting them.

I really don't want it to get to a point where I explode or get mad or getting into a confrontation, but I feel like it's necessary if it means not being disrespected. I'm just not sure how.

Submitted January 03, 2021 at 01:02PM by DCT1997

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