Friday, March 10, 2023

Did having/thinking of having kids change your mindset on CCW?

I was “into” CCW the day I turned 21. Bought my first gun the day I turned 21 and took it shooting, but never really carried, even though I had my license.Fast forward to several years later, married for a few years, good stable job, money in the bank, in the best shape of my adult life after losing nearly 150 pounds (well…149.3 pounds lost as of this morning), getting the all clear from my doctor recently. Anyway, life is pretty good, and we’re thinking of having kids next year.Something clicked in my head recently, I got back into CCW, and actually started carrying again.I feel some deep seated urge to not only provide but to protect as well. I didn’t wake up one day and go “I want to carry a gun again,” it’s more of a feeling, somewhere inside me. A responsibility that’s calling to me.It’s hard to put into words, but thinking of doing my hardest to be my best self and protecting my soon to be increasing family makes me a bit misty eyed. If it’s down to the wire, I know that I can protect them.I plan to pick up CCW Safe insurance pretty soon, so I can also better protect myself if I ever need to “protect” myself. Going to get back to the range this weekend as well and knock the rust off.Anyone else notice a shift in your mindset when you starting thinking about family long term? via /r/CCW

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