Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sticky Suggestion - Holster Pic Thread?

We all know that there are a million holster options out there. And most holster manufacturers do not show pics of every gun shown in every holster, with every light, etc. Any interest in having a master holster Pic thread? We can simply show holster front and back, with handgun installed. List handgun, holster brand, model, accessories, etc and brief summary comments about it. Then people can have a better idea of what a specific gun/holster combo looks like before they buy. Could/would moderators sticky a post like that? Seems like it would be helpful. I'd be happy to start the thread and kick it off with the plethora of holsters I've collected, both good and bad... via /r/CCW


Just talked to a mn prosecutor he said if you have any modifications done to your handgun ( ex trigger, red dot, comp) any he will put you in prison even if you were being beat to death when you fired your weapon. Also said if you use hollowpoints instead of fmj you will be put in prison. Just wanted to let everyone know the state our country/state is in. via /r/CCW

Do You Have A Light On Your CCW? Why?

So I have a 43X and an MR920. After a light on the 43x, the holster is as long as the 19.My MR920 has a light too.So I took my light off the 43X because it cuts the carry package almost in half.But I know a lot of people carry with a light.My question is how important is a light for a CCW? Is it worth being a little uncomfortable for a bigger holster? via /r/CCW

Modular Hand Grip via /r/CCW

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Survey for a school project!

Hello everyone, I would really appreciate if you could take this survey for my class. It's extremely fast and it revolves around self defense products. 10 very quick multiple choice questions.

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 11:26AM by Disibs

CCW Incident- How did I do?

Will keep this short and sweet. I'm a 21 year old college student living in a city. Was going to get food, had to park a few blocks away right around sundown. Picked up my food, began walking back to my vehicle. Homeless man with a hood up holding 2 wooden yard stakes began insulting me and asking me if i had any fentanyl with me because he wants fentanyl. I ignored him and kept walking. At this point he was slowly walking towards me, now shouting at me to give him fentanyl or he is going to fuck me up while clicking the 2 stakes together. At this point i lift my shirt revealing my .45 and tell him to get out of here. He yelled "oh so it's like that then?" And slowly walked off chirping me. Keep in mind, my state is an open carry state as well so "brandishing" is not a crime here as open carry is allowed. How did i do?EDIT: I also have a feeling I've seen this gentleman out on the streets while going out at night before. This happened at a popular location where there are a handful of bars and clubs i frequent in the downtown area and the last thing I'd want is to run into him again when I'm unarmed out and about drinking with friends. Hopefully he has forgotten my face as it was also dark out but i think I'll avoid that location for now especially while I'm unarmed via /r/CCW

Looking for a ccw pack or bag

I’m a bit of a bigger guy. (6’ 230#) The ccw holster that I got really isn’t that comfortable and the grip safety/hammer love to dig into my side. Also due to some locations I work at im prohibited from carrying.So what I’m looking for is a backpack or sling bag that will have a pocket that is easy to reach without having to remove the pack.Any suggestions would be appreciated. via /r/CCW

CCW Incident, advice, WWYD

Going to dinner for my fathers birthday with my girlfriend. Headed downtown. Downtown here has the nicest buildings but the worst of the vagabonds.Had to park about 4 or 5 blocks away from dinner. Carrying a .38 in my waistband, pepper spray in my left coat pocket, 2 speed loaders in my right coat pocket, and a flashlight in my pants pocket. I’m a smaller statured young man, 5”9 132lbs. Rather well dressed as it’s a special occasion, nice boots, button down, pants, a gold wristwatch, a flat cap.Leaving dinner, give my girlfriend my coat as it’s ten degrees out. Begin crossing the street, and from the street to our left comes a 6”4 homeless man, yelling “I’m gonna fuck you up you little pussy, I’m gonna cut you, I’ve got a knife in my pocket, I’m gonna rape your girlfriend and turn you into a faggot.”Trying to ignore him, walking away. He’s coming closer and closer, I pull my girlfriend closer, hand her my keys sneakily, and grab the pepper spray out of her pocket, sending her further towards the car as I turn around, telling the guy to fuck off, and go jump into traffic. He again repeats his plan to kill me and rape me and my girlfriend, at which point I yell back “fuck off, I will fuck you up if you come any closer.”My hand now resting on my snub nose’s grip, left hand still clutching my pepper spray ready to deploy. Make it to the car, call the cops, go home and sleep.He turned away, and started to walk off at that point. Would I have been justified to shoot if he came any closer? What if I had deployed my pepper spray? Still justified? How did I do? via /r/CCW

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Red dot EDC

Hello so I was wondering with a red dot EDC… do you guys just leave the red dot running always? I worry about battery burn out. How long do these batteries typically last for the small pistol sized red dots?Seems like you could one day have to draw but then suddenly your optic is nothing but a clear pane of glass… via /r/CCW

CW (stabbing and blood): Would you intervene here? via /r/CCW

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Can you pocket carry a P365X?

I am set on getting one of the 365 models for my first ccw. I'm still a newish gun owner in general and have never carried in any capacity. I am looking to not carry appendix and something more around 4:00 or whatever most minimizes the chance of shooting myself if the gun somehow ever went off.Do you think the X model would be a good choice? I have to say I am confused because I've seen it mentioned here that the XL doesn't lose any concealability but how can that be when the length is an inch longer? via /r/CCW

here's that "$12 amazon tactical belt" everyone doesn't like after a year and 3 months of wear. doesn't slip and doesn't release while I'm wearing it and material isn't splitting or damaged anywhere via /r/CCW

Essentials I never leave home without. Phone not pictured. via /r/CCW

Do yourself a favor: ditch your modwing and add a T1C wing instead. Your inner thigh will thank you. via /r/CCW

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Self-defense while sleeping in a car

TLDR; how would you protect yourself if you're a woman sleeping in the back of a subcompact car in a deserted campground.

For complicated reasons, I have to sleep in a campground for a few nights every few weeks. I'm a woman camping alone.

I'm usually the only person staying in the campground, but it's in a park that can be busy during the day and people often wander through the campground just checking things out. There is a ranger's house a short drive away, otherwise I'm basically alone out there at night after the rangers do their last drive through around 8.

My fear is someone will see I'm camped there alone and come back at night, or that someone will camp there who is trouble, and it'll be just us out there. (I once had an issue with a man who was sleeping in his truck in the campground. I just left.)

I usually have a tent set up, but I'll only sleep in it if there are families or couples in the campground. Otherwise I sleep in the back of my car, which is a subcompact. I don't have privacy curtains in the car, but I'm planning on getting some. In the car I always keep my keys in the same spot so I can find them quickly and set off my car alarm (though who would hear it), and I keep pepper spray, my phone (I get service), and a flashlight next to me. (I'm not sure if the pepper spray is kind of pointless, because if I'm spraying it while I'm still inside a car or a tent, won't it mess me up too?)

My guess is if someone was trying to attack I would wake up to them breaking in one of my windows, or blocking my car with theirs and then breaking a window. Or they would have a gun.

What would you do for added safety in my situation?

As a note, I can't get a big dog. I have considered a gun but I have no experience with them, and wouldn't take one with me without having trained with one for a while. I am considering trying to get a bigger car, like a Honda Element, for more privacy when I sleep in the back.

I realize the chances of an attack aren't huge. But I do feel like I'm rolling the dice a little every time I'm out there. Thanks for any thoughts. It's appreciated.

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 11:40PM by cyc1esperfecta

It’s been over ten years since I last CCed. A lot of new products out now I see. What a time to be alive. Use this Enigma setup since I don’t wear belts most of the time. Waiting for my Tier1 to be built. via /r/CCW

Daily reminder that cops have no obligation to protect you and your safety is your personal responsibility. Stay safe everyone via /r/CCW

"Stealth" Fanny pack?

Looking for a suitable every day sport type small fanny pack that isn't made/marketed as a "CCW" fanny pack for my Glock 43 or Sig 365.Every "CCW type" fanny pack screams CCW.I'm looking for a small black ballistic or heavy duty nylon fanny pack that active sports people might wear to keep phone and wallet in but that relatively easy to open and has a nice pouch for one of my micro subcompacts.Yes I know, one assumes any guy with a fanny pack is carrying but at least if it's in a sports type fanny pack there is or could be some doubt.Thanks. via /r/CCW

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

A Good Reminder To Always De-Escalate But Also Be Prepared

This story may be a bit long, but I want to make sure I have all the details right.On a recent weekend during a bike ride I nearly got Right Hooked by a Pickup Truck."Whoa whoa whoa!!!" I yelled while panicking and trying to grasp my brakes from my handpositions (I have drop bars but my hands were at the tops) and finally came to a stop before I collided with the bed of the truck or worse.Either in anger or as a part of me stopping myself from crashing, I recall slapping the side of the truck. The driver than stopped and began saying something, but at that point I decided it was best not to engage and just continue straight down my path. All I heard as I was riding away was "My fucking tru-" and kept going.Nervous I tried to keep an eye out for in case this driver decided to re-engage with me out of road rage, but two blocks later and after a red light with no reappearance I figured they continued to their destination.Halfway up a hill I noticed from my left peripheral vision a vehicle suddenly stopping and immediately unclipped from my bike, turning and faced the same truck stopped besides me. Immediately I reached into my left pocket for my pepper spray (which I keep on my person always for dogs and people).Perhaps noticing me reaching the driver stated "Hey, I'm not chasing you down trying to start a fight or anything."Hand still in my pocket I relaxed a little, but was preparing myself for on the off chance this man changes his mind and decided he does want a fight."I just wanted to apologize for almost hitting you, I mean you did hit my truck which I kinda understand, but I'm trying to be better now and just wanted to say 'sorry'. I don't think you really hurt my truck or anything".Realizing that this guy wasn't going to exit from his vehicle to confront me, I decided to remove my hand from the left pocket and displayed my open palm."I didn't damage your truck, it was just an open handed slap on it. Thanks for your apology, I appreciate it. Have a safe trip back home".The guy repeated his apology and wished me the same, then drove off ahead. I decided to wait back a little for he got caught at another red light, after seeing him clearly turn the corner I began to relax a little and continue my trek uphill.----------------------------------------------------This whole incident really spiked my nerves but I'm glad this incident of road rage didn't end up like the ER Doctor last month in LA. I usually try to not verbally say anything to antagonize a motorist beyond a simple "Hey!" to grab their attention during a close call. But I honestly am not sure if I slapped their truck as a part of me stopping or just in anger of a close call.But this is a good reminder to always and try to de-escalate a situation on the road to increase the likelihood of getting to your destination w/o injury or death. Just wanted to post this here to inform the rest of ya'll to try your best with de-escalation as well as situational awareness while on the road. via /r/CCW

Within your everyday life, where do you find the highest risk of having to shoot in self defense?

For me it’s walking out to my car to go to work early in the morning, (sketchy apartments in a not so great town with outdoor parking lots). Or taking the garbage out before/after work. It is pretty much dark out when I leave for work and when I get home except for a few months of the summer. via /r/CCW

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Anyone tried something like this before? via /r/CCW

P365 Noob questions

Dear Reader, these questions have been answered before, so thank you in advance. Unnecessary background (skip to next p for questions): New cc person here. Started w g19. Have only been shooting since December. Have about 3000 rounds through it. 5 classes. Enhanced lifetime permit. Got the trijicon irons I wanted and a tenicor holster. Perfect pistol for my budget and needs. But I'm human and want (want being key word) a P365 because I'm 5'7" 190 lbs. I conceal the g19 fairly well, but summers here hit 105 regularly. Summer carry = P365Questions: I'm having a tougher time finding a deal on p365, but see deals on SAS and Nitro and X. What are the differences? Anything a noob should be aware of? I've shot the P365 and X about 3 or 4 times. Like the P365 w 12 round mag. I like the extra snot--and, knock on wood, do pretty well on paper.What's a decent price?New or used?Ty via /r/CCW

Pro tip: Left is right, right is wrong hand positioning, at least while shooting 365's. If you let your thumb ride the slide, the gun will not lock the slide after your last round. via /r/CCW

Manager uses hip toss to subdue unruly guest.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 12:42PM by mrpriveledge

Question about keychain alarms

Hi! I just bought a keychain alarm on amazon and I have a somewhat dumb question: I was going to put it in my key ring but then I had a doubt: the alarm is activated by pulling a string, so could it happen that I activate the mechanism by pulling the string by accident? Or does your experience suggest that it almost never happens? Thanks!

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 11:34AM by DependentAd2385

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Got a new belt via /r/CCW

Leisure carry or UltiClip?

Should I go with the leisure carry or UltiClip attachment for carrying in sweats/shorts ?It’s getting to the warmer time of year here and will want to wear shorts more often so I feel I need an option carry wise for shorts so I’m less likely to not carry at all. UltiClip is obviously cheaper and I’d prefer that cause I’m broke but I’m willing to spend the extra money if need be is leisure carry is a better overall option. So for those who have tried both, which functions better?I’m also aware of the enigma , and would love to get one . However I was barely able to find a trusted kydex holster for my gun let alone one that fits with or will work with the enigma. (I carry a ruger p89). So sadly enigma isn’t an option and will most likely never be.Thoughts ? via /r/CCW

Thursday, March 16, 2023

How many magazines to buy when they discontinue your carry gun

Looking for opinions... I carry a CZ P10 S which has been discontinued by CZ. Mags are still readily available but I imagine they will dry up in the coming months/years. I have 8 magazines currently. How many would you personally make sure you that you have?Have any of you been in this situation before? What gun, and how long did it take for mags to become hard to find?Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks! via /r/CCW

Ok, let’s see the real results..

Where do you carry? Explain why in the comments!View Poll via /r/CCW

Canon camera bag makes a decent inconspicuous range bag via /r/CCW

My Weekend Warrior and Daily Driver via /r/CCW

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Personal Protection Apps

Do y'all use any apps to help with your personal protection. I'm interested in more ways to utilize my phone as a self defense tool, other than just calling 911.For example, I use Citizen, which alerts me to crimes going on in my area. Most alerts aren't of concern to me, either due to their nature or their exact location, but occasionally I'll get an alert of a violent crime nearby and change my route to avoid it. via /r/CCW

My EDC and thoughts via /r/CCW

Appendix holster

Would raising ride hight allow for comfortable sitting via /r/CCW

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Looking for help

I am looking for a good IWB holster for my Glock 17 gen 3. I have a comp and a holosun 507 with a TLR-1 HL. I am also 6’5 275 if that helps too, Thank you all for your help in advance!! via /r/CCW