Thursday, March 18, 2021

Would this encounter constitute brandishing a firearm? Man beating his wife brutally witnessed in parking lot.

Alright so I wasn’t carrying today. Can’t have my firearm where I work and park so it blows hard but yea. In Maryland by the way.I stop by a WaWa with the wife for some snacks and I hear and see this car shaking. This large man is outside the passenger side of the car beating on his wife sitting in the passenger seat through the window. He is beating her so hard the fucking car is shaking I can literally hear the smacks on her face from my car. While he is hitting his wife he is saying DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM I WILL KILL YOU. I AM YOUR HUSBAND. It was bananas. I immediately get out and think fuck I’m not carrying. But I say along these lines back the fuck off we are calling the police. My wife is calling the cops at this moment. He yells at me MIND YOUR BUSINESS MY MOM JUST DIED (?) hops in his car and we follow him while on the phone with the police so we can give them the license plate make and model. Luckily a squad car wasn’t far at all from the WaWa and they pull him over. He wasn’t speeding off away so it was quite easy to follow him. We told cops what happened blah blah alright that’s that.Alright so. In this situation. I imagine if I told him I was carrying a firearm or even drew on him. Someone as wild as him I feel like would want to test the situation and almost want ME shoot him. Which is just scary to think about.What is the right or wrong answer? This ladies life was in danger for sure. Whether this happens between them often or not the car was shaking she was getting beat so bad. What would be the legal response to this if carrying? Because if I was carrying. I would’ve stated we are calling the cops and I have a firearm currently back away. via /r/CCW

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