Friday, September 13, 2019

Update: Mecklenburg County Mental Health Check

Hello /r/CCW - I wanted to provide a final update to this thread: of the previous thread is that I moved to a new city while going through a divorce, spoke to my doc (in 2015) about alcohol use that I needed a little help with, applied for my CCW in 2019, the conversation was reported, and my permit was denied until further info was provided.After waiting for almost 2 months I saw a psychiatrist last week who evaluated me. They deemed me "physically and mentally capable of owning a firearm" per the requirement of the sheriff, but during the evaluation I did tell the doctor that in addition to talking to my family doc in 2015, I 'tried' a few AA meetings first, but didn't continue.He apparently included this in the letter to the Sheriff and they denied me for "addiction to alcohol or a controlled substance - you are an ongoing attendee of AA."I can appeal, but at this point, after spending $600 on this process, I'm exhausted and think I'm just going to let it go. I'd have to pay $200 to start a brand new application, wait months, etc. I'll sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow or over the weekend. I'm not planning to stay in Charlotte more than a few more years, so I don't think the additional effort is worthwhile.Here is the scary part though - they retroactively revoked my pistol purchase permit and will never issue me another. They said if I've used the permit already I'm allowed to keep my handgun, but I'll never be able to buy another in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, NC - sorry, should have included that in the title). via /r/CCW

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