Friday, September 27, 2019

Could potentially have been harmed or robbed at my own home

For some information, I live in a country where there is some stupid laws regarding self-defense. For an example I am only allowed to defense myself to the degree of which the other person involved is able to do to me. So if he doesn't have a weapon, I am not allowed to use one myself in any case. I am super underweight and not a very strong or capable person and if he/she is of large physique and trained in combat of any sort I am lawfully "screwed".

So the story is that I was outside in my garage smoking a cigarette at about 1:30 AM and I listen to music in my wireless headset with noice cancelation so I am very lucky I heard anything. But when I stepped into my garage I luckily heard a distinct noise of someone hurrying away but slipping on a gravel like surface. I obviously immediately got worried since I live with my mother and she was asleep so it was only me on the property that was awake. I sat down since I had no other way of responding to this out of fear. I lit the cigarette and turned my headset off. I was completely convinced someone was out there in my garage hiding in the dark and I was completely paralyzed. I considered calling my country's equivalent of 911, but then I figured if he heard me talking to them he would maybe try to stop me from communicating with them or try to escape unpunished which in any case was unacceptable to me so I just sat there with my flash turned on and smoked the cigarette like nothing was happening. I could occasionally hear the sound of a stomach rumbling and to be clear it was not my stomach rumbling. So that obviously increased the amount of fear inside my by a large margain. So I came to the point where I was done smoking so the only reaction I could muster was to put it out in the ashtray and leave the garage through the backdoor where I entered and go inside. I joined the conversation on discord that my friends were having and told them about the situation. They said they would drive home to me to help me check the garage for anyone, but we all agreed that by the time they got here the person would probably have left since they all live like 20 minutes by car away from me so I eventually grabbed hold of an empty glass bottle of vodka and chose that as my weapon of choice(Illegally btw) since I wasn't thinking clearly in that situation, and went out the front door to check if there were anyone there. I was on call with my friends if things should go south so they could send help if needed be. There was no one in my garage, but when I turned around to go back inside there was a large tall hooded man at the end of my driveway walking very fast away from my house as he saw me and went down some of the small roads so he could get away unfollowed. I obviously went back inside and locked all doors and contained myself. This experience has left me traumatized and I am now to afraid of even going to my garage to get a soda late at night in fear of that happening again. I have tipped the regional police of this and that they should probably be more aware of this in my area. It has now been about a week since this has happened and I usually have been super against the gunlaws of America and has in all honesty been a topic that I have had very extreme opinions about, but after that incident it has completely turned my view around. The fact that I had no way of protecting myself against someone like that has made me realize that the right to have a weapon to protect yourself and your family with in case of attack or robbery might not be a terrible thing in itself. There's of course much more to be discussed on that topic for this to make sense, but I had to share it somewhere for me not to go insane from this experience. It is nothing compared to other things you read from other places in the world, but I can only relate to what happens to me and know how I feel about the things I experience so I thank all there is to be thanked that I can share this here. I don't know how I would deal with this if I couldn't.

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 10:53PM by GanjaminDanklin

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