Sunday, September 1, 2019

Schools and Carry

So I am required to do an active shooter awareness for my college and I started realizing that all they are trying to get me to do is stuff that is taught in tactical and self-defense classes. Some of the questions are just statistics and facts but others are about things I already know. Figured I'd put the questions and the correct answers and what I saw with the questions and answers (Q# = question, A# = answer, R# = response to q/a)​Q1) "According to the FBI, Active Shooter situations have been on the rise since 2000"A1) "True"R1) I haven't looked too much into it but I found a list of school shootings in the United States and saw that pretty much 60s and after were pretty active. While there are a few more shootings after 2000 there are still a decent number of shootings prior to 2000​Q2) "To develop a survival mindset you need to practice:"A2) "Awareness, Preparation, & Rehearsal"R2) This is the mindset taught in any self-defense class and is ever prevalent in the CCW community. Aware of surroundings and what can happen in home/work/road..., prepared to deal with whatever may present itself with an escape or exit and carrying a weapon with enough ammo, and rehearsing the draw/reload and shooting​Q3) "Awareness is gaining a basic understanding of an active shooter situation and your options for keeping yourself safe"A3) "True"R3) Pretty self-explanatory as to what we prepare for with carrying. We know our houses, work places, vehicles and travel routes and know the things that can go wrong in those places​Q4) "Preparation is looking at your campus environment through a survival lens; a lens that focuses on the 'what if' questions"A4) "True"R4) This is also pretty self-explanatory with what we prepare for with carrying. We know what escape routes we have, the way to access those escape routes, and we know how we will fight back should the need arise​Q5) "Rehearsal is practicing that may include either mentally and/or physically 'walking through' your 'What if' plan. Rehearsing your plan will reduce your response time and build your confidence"A5) "True"R5) This is what we do with training to draw, going to the range, practicing sight picture, grip, and sometimes force-on-force training. It is also done when we face the door of a restaurant or find our plan at work for reaction to threats​Campus carry is not a thing in my state but I sure wish it was. Knowing that I can't do as much as I would like to sucks but I thought I would share this for those who can do more than me via /r/CCW

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