Friday, September 20, 2019

Reminder about Holistic Fight training

Hi, first time poster, long time lurker!

I don't know if this video has been posted here before but this is a good reminder to all of us. I see a lot of posts on this sub about what self defense weapons to get, etc., which I understand if people are in a threatening environment. I'm posting so we can all learn about the bigger picture; I'm a firm believer of training holistically and this video (albeit talking about concealed carry guns) is a good summary of all the principles to work on - early recognition (Stages of violent crime), OODA loop, weapon retention, weapon use, combatives training, conditioning, after action, first aid, etc.

Check out the video from Funker Tactical (now Appeture Fighting) - NSFW for language and some violent CCTV content.

Happy to discuss thoughts since this is on my mind today.

Submitted September 20, 2019 at 04:29PM by master0909

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