Sunday, September 8, 2019

Most effective self defense weapon(dagger,knife,collapsible baton)

Which of these 3 is the most effective in your opinion(intimidation,damage caused and versatility) Some context.all are completely legal to carry here and im talking about life and death self defense,aka kill him just to be with legal issues later Im often getting targeted by street bullies mostly due to my long hair as a male provoking skinheads in my country In a scenario where my attacker likely is armed aswell(brassknuckles,knife and rarely batton) which of these 3 weapons is most likely to incapacitate the attacker the fastest(and preferably without murdering them) or to deter them from attacking.if there are 2 or more attackers aswell(when running isn't a option,they dont want my cash they want to beat me up) To clarify.its a no blade dagger.a long metal/wooden rod with a sharp tip for piercing.look up modern rogur dagger training,i have a homemade one that straps to my leg through my trousers,same with my baton) Whats your opinion

Submitted September 08, 2019 at 07:04PM by foxtreat747

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