Monday, September 9, 2019

Keep alert, especially at home.

I usually keep my weapon on or near me at all times. The only time my edc goes in the safe is when I’m going out drinking. Well I happened to be on the couch sleeping off a hangover when I heard a loud boom. It sounded like someone dropped a ton of bricks or something, but I wasn’t gonna go investigate. I ran to the safe and grabbed my weapon before checking my peephole. I didn’t see anything, and began wondering if I had dreamt the sound. An hour later I decide to go get a bite to eat. I walk out, and immediately see the model unit next door to me, with the door kicked in. At this point, I am armed, but am not about to go investigating. I instead call local PD’s non emergency number, and units arrive in under 2mins. Upon contact I immediately tell the first officer I’m armed. He thanks me for letting him know, then had me point out the place. Shortly after, more backup arrives and they assemble to go in and clear it. I can’t keep thinking what could have happened if the crooks had chose my door to kick in. I live alone and have no kids, so I legitimately have my weapon out and sitting no more than a foot from me at all times when it’s not on my waist. Some may think this is maybe too much, but I will 100% be continuing this method till I’ve got children in the house to worry about. You don’t get to plan when you’ll have to use your weapon, and it’ll likely happen at the least convenient time. Took me less than 15 seconds to get into my safe, load a mag, and rack one, but a motivated criminal could be in your home and in your face a lot faster than that. via /r/CCW

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