Sunday, September 22, 2019

How should this have been handled? found this article over on r/dgu and was curious about what folks would have done.Essentially, one of the victims was robbed by two individuals of valuables outside of a business. Afterwards, the two robbers went inside said business and attempted to rob it. The first victim, being a CCW holder, then pulled his own gun and attempted to stop them. This led to him and one of the robbers dying, as well as another patron being injured and the second robber fleeing.What should have been done here? Part of me believes he could have successfully stopped the second robbery if he had planned his attempt better. However, I am also reminded that part of being a responsible CCW owner is not being a hero. He had already been robbed, and the robbers had moved on.As someone who is considering doing CCW in the future, I see this unfortunate event as a lesson I could learn from, and would welcome feedback on it. via /r/CCW

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