Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Aid is Important

TL;DR - If you get into a violent altercation, there’s a very good chance you’ll need immediate medical aid, so it’s a good idea to keep at least a small kit to stop blood loss (tourniquet, QuikClot, compresses, etc). If you’re not in a violent altercation, somebody will try to climb rocks that are slippery and wet and tall while wearing crocs. That person will bust their head open, and then require immediate medical aid.I posted a while back about the best way to conceal while hiking (I went with a fanny pack, ricked with my OWB concealment holster mounted inside with a velcro strap so I could keep one in the chamber), and Murphy’s Law decided to work overtime on that trip. Thankfully, I didn’t need my weapon, but I did need the first aid stuff I EDC. We were in a state park, about 30 people within 20 yards of us, and this guy climbing on rocks in the river fell and smacked his head pretty hard on one. I didn’t see it happen, but apparently out if 30 people on a hiking trail in a state park, I was the only one with any kind of first aid kit and had to stop the bleeding on this dude before the EMTs hiked out to our location. The wound wasn’t big, but everybody was freaking out because there was a fair amount of blood on the rocks and all over the dude’s face, so nobody was making much of an effort to help. He was conscious, we stopped the bleeding with a surgical compress I had in my fanny pack and within a minute or two he was calmed down and held it on there himself and everything. EMTS arrived pretty quickly. via /r/CCW

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