Sunday, September 8, 2019

Does anyone know a good forum or podcast where people give personal first hand experiences of using their CCW in self defence?

I didn't know what to flair it given the available options. I chose training because learning from others personal experiences could help someone In this category?I read a forum post a while ago about a guy who had a gun with a handle safety. He gave a personal expirience as to why they may not be a good option in self defence situations. He uploaded pictures of his bullet wounds and gave a very descriptive analysis on what happened.It was very interesting and I learned a thing or two from it. Also, it was a nice reminder that no matter how prepared you are, something could always go wrong. I can't remember the post.For anyone who is looking for the same thing as me, the pro arms podcast is a good start. They have a multiple episodes where people who have had to defend themselves with lethal force give their story's. via /r/CCW

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