Monday, September 2, 2019

CCW on DoD Installations

There was recently a comment on a post about CCW being allowed on Barksdale AFB with certain restrictions (leaving firearm in vehicle, not actually having firearm on one's person while in the car, etc). While not ideal, it is a nice middle ground considering most DoD installations require all firearms to be unloaded with ammo and firearm physically separated within the vehicle.Are there any other DoD employees who work on a base that allows CCW permit holders to have a loaded firearm on their person, in their vehicle, etc? I am looking to compile a list of bases that allow some form of concealed carry on base to convince base leadership to change the policy. Any official memos or instructions would be greatly appreciated. I will gladly share any info I get with other interested users and even create a summary report. via /r/CCW

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