Sunday, September 22, 2019

Anyone own/wear concealable body armor? I'm considering getting some.

I don't particularly feel the need to wear body armor, but I am interested in looking into it. I live in a fairly safe city, but you never know when shit is going to go down and I figure that if I'm ever in a situation where I actually need to draw my weapon, that means there's a good chance somebody else in the immediate vicinity a) means to do me harm and b) does/could have a firearm of their own.I also have two jobs that are kind of sketch - one is security related (no gun, pepper spray, baton, etc- but uniform and badge). At that job I do not carry because it would not only be against company policy, it would be illegal. I also do delivery for a popular food ordering app, and although their official policy states that we aren't allowed to carry, I do anyway because I'd much rather lose a minimum wage + tips job than get kidnapped or murdered- especially as a female working alone late night/early morning. I've had some reallllly sketchy deliveries and I was glad that my pistol was close by.Anyway, I found out that at my security job, body armor is permitted to be worn as long as it conforms to uniform standards (eg, is black). My food delivery job probably doesn't have a policy, but considering I'm already violating company code by carrying a firearm, I'm not too worried. Though, they might think it's a little weird since the vest will probably be visible under my uniform, but whatever.I'm just kicking the idea around, I dunno. I would rather be prepared than not prepared. I'm not a cop or a soldier, the odds of me getting shot at are about a million to one. But hey, somebody out there has had their life saved by body armor at some point and been glad they're wearing it.Thoughts? Am I just a nutter? via /r/CCW

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