Monday, September 9, 2019

A situation I was in recently

So I forgot my password to my last account and recently made a new account so I'm not exactly new here. It may be a bit long but I appreciate your reading, it feels nice to vent it.I live in the largest city of my state, I don't live in the outskirts, I live inner city. I had just stepped outside to put my garbage in the bin and was standing out front waiting for my wife to finish getting ready so we could take a walk on a beautiful day.Across the street is what everyone in the neighborhood is certain to be a drug house. Always people in and out, unsavory characters hanging out on the stoop. I've had a few encounters with people coming on my property to either piss next to my trash cans in the middle of the night or snoop around. One time I came home to what appeared to be an attempted break in via front door, luckily I have my doors reinforced with quality locks, long screws and metal door jambs.As I'm standing out front I hear some yelling from the house across the street, nothing new, then I hear the yell of someone in distress. It was a noise the dude who lives across the street made as he ran for his life. Some heavy hitters came to collect money owed. The first of three gunshots rang and I heard the whizz as it passed feet from me and hit the building next door to me. The next two shots happened directly after. As I turned to run away into my backyard I yelled for my wife to get down(she was still inside.) The victim across the street was now out of the house and running from his backyard into the street by way of the small alley between houses. He seen me running and yelled my name and said "they just did a home invasion, they're trying to kill me."I know him because we have to live across from one another, I always keep my guard up but have conversed with him on occasion just being neighborly.He followed me into my backyard when he seen me running for cover. As I opened my back gate my wife popped her head out the door to see what was going on. I yelled once more for her to take cover. I got to the relative safety of my backyard and the guy who followed me was bleeding from the head where he was pistol whipped before he made his escape. He kept saying they are trying to kill him and they are coming for him. I drew my G19 from its holster at AIWB and held it low and ready as I prepared mentally for someone to come running after him to finish the job. I wasn't necessarily protecting him but I was prepared to defend myself and my wife who at that point joined in the back yard with her pistol.After a couple minutes in the backyard we heard sirens and I re holstered and went back out front where there were cops everywhere. The cops asked if anyone was shot, I said I dont know but someone was definitely shooting. After a couple statements my wife and I carried on and went for our walk. I submitted my Ring doorbell camera footage to the detectives and told them I am willing to help in any way. At that point I was completely fed up with all the bullshit associated with the house across the street. The bleeding victim told me he didnt want to talk to the cops and I basically told him to get off my property asap (before I left.)Turns out he owed some serious people a lot of money, his two teenage cousins and grandma were zip tied before he made an escape, no one was seriously injured and the shooters are presumably still at large.Things I realized after the incident: I should've yelled for my wife to get down louder because she said she didn't hear me, that's why she stuck her head out. Also, I didnt react at the first gunshot because I thought it was a firework of some sort since the assholes across the way have lit off fireworks randomly sometimes.We went for our walk and I realized soon that my adrenaline was pumping. I was a few feet away from being a casualty and there is nothing I could possibly do to avoid it because it was essentially a stray bullet that whizzed past me. via /r/CCW

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