Thursday, November 30, 2023

6 Surprising Words I Hear Teaching Self Defence

Submitted November 30, 2023 at 11:34PM by SAFEInternational

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Any common tells that someone is about to attack?

My sister has been attending peaceful demonstrations regarding a particular ongoing conflict. I worry for her safety. Is it obvious when someone is about to start something/is carrying a weapon? And what are the options other than running?

Submitted November 29, 2023 at 08:48PM by ayeffkay220

BJJ vs. multiple Adversaries

I believe the consensus is “any martial art training is better than no martial art training”. And BJJ is popular and successful because we’ve seen videos of it used in real life and because it’s a non striking art, it lends itself to “live practice”. Does anyone have anecdotes or ideas about how grappling would be used against multiple adversaries? Is there anything besides using a submission to cause an injury and then engaging the next guy?

Submitted November 29, 2023 at 11:35AM by freewillcausality

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

What do I do if I get jumped at school?

So I think I might get jumped at school for telling people this girl was making fun of me and the girl has a bunch of friends and does not listen. I’m scared that I’m going to get jumped and even though I think I know how to fight I would probably get scared and run away so what do I do?

Submitted November 28, 2023 at 04:11PM by RecommendationSea199

Monday, November 27, 2023

Dealing with argumentative Karens.

Have you ever had an activist/karen come up to you, argue with you, and refuse to leave you alone regardless? What did you use, or do to get them off your back? Is it legal to use self defence?

Submitted November 27, 2023 at 04:28AM by Draculigula

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Can anyone ID what this is?

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 10:32PM by Westrock88

Friday, November 24, 2023

Best Self Defense Key-Chain

Looking for some sort of mini brass knuckles that can attach to my keychain. I’m having trouble finding some on google. Moving near a rough area soon and if anyone has other suggestions it would be appreciated. Average build male.

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 11:29AM by iMxney

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Help me choose weapon for self defense

I need to choose between a pellet gun at 450fps or a rubber ball / steel / pepper ball for self defense I think 350fps but it's usually measured in joules which is 18. What would be better to hurt someone more. I want s gun to scare them mostly but if I need to shoot I want it to hurt and make them retreat. Obviously if they have a gun I'm dead but it could be a robbery or some sort. Looking at Umraex cp88 competition pellet gun or LTL 1.50 rubber gun. other suggestions are helpful to. Not asking which gun is better just which type is better to defend pellet or rubber

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 09:35PM by Zimboyed

I am strong build but my anxiety blocks me!!

My main problem is following:

I always thought of myself as only strong in my dreams but not in reality but my father opened my eyes: My body is strong build due to experience and genetics and so i have the potential to be pretty strong but here comes the issues: It does not matter how strong i am because my OCD and my anxiety hold me back!! Others tell me i can be very strong but i feel like they just want me to feel good about myself!! I hate myself sometimes for being too cautious and too nice because i know i cannot always be like that if i wanna survive!!

I was bullied and attacked as a little child and i never fought back because i did not want to make someone mad or i am afraid of breaking them apart which seems to be a nice trait but here comes the twist: "If i do not attack, i will be broken apart and beaten up even if the attacker is weaker than me just because of my "overthinking".

I also do not want to be weak and i wanna be strong for real but imagine someone attacks real anxiety will be high: The fear that he kills me because i am too slow or the fear that i crush him and then someone will take revenge or i get into trouble.

But i hate how i feel like i am "at the mercy of someone else" so this is not about looking cool or superior or impressing others but about survival. Maybe one day i have a wife and children and as a man i must be willing to fight even if i die and i hate my anxiety for holding me back. Imagine me being stronger sometimes but still i allow the attack "because of my doormat personality" and then i pay the price.

So even if i learn martial arts...if my personality is diabled and dysfunctional, i will not be able to react fast enough and we know real fights take seconds but i wanna be able to defend myself against someone. I don`t want to just stand there paralyzed and make the attacker`s mode and choices decide my fate. So i wanna learn to be merciless and just hurt someone. Because i am afraid and paranoid. I do not mind losing in one on one competitive fights but like for the case a serious fight happens, i must win or else i am dead or in hospital. So i already plan on training my body and get out it`s full potential but it makes zero difference because the personality decides how the body will be used.

Do you have any advices? Am i the only one who makes these pathetic "what if scenarios" which make me feel even worse?

Also i would love to think of myself as strong but if i never get into a fight, i can never be sure but my first real fight could be my death as well. So i am afraid of either being broken apart or breaking the other one apart too. And i do not wanna feel like the opponent`s mode and choice is my fate. What do you suggest me to do?

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 01:05PM by NakedTruth7

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What’s your opinion on this armor vest?

I am looking for a light weight yet concealable high impact armor vest for self defense.

Submitted November 22, 2023 at 04:04PM by Evening_Quarter3920

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How do I fix my mindset for self defence?

Pretty much I'm never mentally ready to fight when I need to be, because it's always the other man who starts it and I'm always either confused why they're starting it and trying to do the maths or processing the appropriate reaction to what's happening in front of me. I used to overreact to everything and get in fights at any opportunity, now my first reaction in an intense situation is for my body to go ultra calm and chill, I don't know why I started doing this, but it's really unhelpful.

For example; the other day a homeless man approached me while I was getting cash out of the ATM saying he was going to kill himself and he needs me to listen immediately, I was immediately uncomfortable with how close he was to me as he got up right in my face while I was withdrawing money, so I told him to back off because he's too close. He immediately started freaking out and following me around shouting "YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE FUCKING POLICE ON YOU?" A guy behind me heard this and came up to me and wrapped me up trying to subdue me , obviously thinking that because the homeless man was threatening to call the police then I must have been the aggressor in that situation and he was doing a good thing by stopping me. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. I let him wrap me up but the homeless man told him to let me go so he could continue to harass me himself.

Why did I do nothing? Because it happend so fast and I'm not used to suddenly going from 0 and being chill and content to 100 where I'm fighting for my life. I guess I'm imaging that if I'm freaking out I'm not gonna be able to manage the situation, but I literally let a guy put his hands on me.

How can I mentally learn to overcome this?

Submitted November 21, 2023 at 09:45PM by Fit_Specific4658

I think i'm gonna get jumped at school

So basically me and my friend are being targeted by like 20 guys and everywhere we go in the school, they are everywhere. What should we do.

Submitted November 21, 2023 at 11:54AM by These_Durian_4263

What Martial Art is better! (How you answer)


Submitted November 21, 2023 at 10:41AM by RaizingI

Sunday, November 19, 2023

College Campus Does Not Allow Self-Defense Weapons

I called my school's sheriff this morning to ask if I could carry pepper spray and/or a (utility folding) knife on campus. He explained that in the event of me using either, or them being seen, I would get into some trouble.

I take the bus every day and will soon have to take it to my campus when the winter semester begins.

I am a young, [18] skinny male of short stature (5'-4") and not very physically capable in any sort of potential confrontation, so pepper spray is a must, especially in my area, where at least two passengers on any given bus ride are under the influence or are long-term users. (one guy once offered me a drink from his Starbucks cup, which was full of piss) Needless to say, it's scary.

I cannot give up taking my pepper spray on bus rides or outside in my neighborhood, which is what will happen if I do not take them onto the campus. Walking takes hours and I have no other mode of transportation.

What's the best solution here?

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 01:11PM by Peanut_butter_samich

Best martial arts/self defense for street fights?

I am a 23 year old man who's about to be 24 years old next month. I have never been in a real fight before and I realize that I have to fix this issue quickly. I am 6'1 and weigh about 180 pounds so I am looking into a good martial arts that can help me. I have been scared of getting into physical fights and I want to overcome that once and for all. What's the best martial arts to learn? How long will it take to be able to defend myself against anyone confidently?

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 10:14AM by wisehands_9

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Self defense suggestions

So i want to know what is the best self defense to start training for street fights and fights in general, i do weight lifting and i want some self defense sports like muay thai, boxing, etc

Submitted November 18, 2023 at 01:08PM by kangzyuan

Friday, November 17, 2023

Minimum amount of striking training to be worth it

I train BJJ and would fall back on that training if I ever needed to defend myself... BUT I do recognize the need to know how to strike.

My gym offers Muay Thai classes but I would have to pay more per month to have access to those. I found a pretty reputable boxing gym not to far from me that offers a package of six classes for $160. So I was thinking of taking one boxing a class a month just to learn how to throw a punch, how to defend, head movement, etc.

The only problem is that I would like to spar, and the boxing gym requires coach approval to get in the ring. I doubt going once a month would ever give me that opportunity.

Advice? Should I just bite the bullet and do the Muay Thai at my gym?

Submitted November 17, 2023 at 11:29PM by MontisQ

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Downsides to using pepper spray?

A few weeks ago my friend and I got attacked by someone on crack at a bus stop. Thankfully the person didn’t have any weapons on them and we ended up being okay. But this situation got me thinking about self defense tools I could’ve used. I’m scared about potentially using pepper spray in the future and the attacker retaliating and pulling out a gun. Is an action like that possible while you are feeling the effects of pepper spray?

Submitted November 15, 2023 at 10:01PM by Extension-Cupcake246

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A stranger punches you in the face...

... as you leave a bar. You're more stunned than anything else. He walks off. The punch is level 4 out of 10. What's your best move?

This happened to me a few months ago. I can't explain why, never saw the guy before, and never escalated. I've played the scenario over in my mind many times wondering if I did the right thing to leave. My initial thought was, if he could do this, he may have a weapon.


Submitted November 14, 2023 at 11:32PM by _player_0

Monday, November 13, 2023

When someone is in your car door, what to do?

Tonight I had quite a fright. I'm 5'5 female. Tonight I left my apartment building and an over 6 foot man followed me out the door, and all the way to my car. When I went to get in my car he blocked me from shutting the door, and leaned into my car jabbering at me. He was unhinged and thinking he met Jesus today or something, and seemed mentally unwell. I was terrified. Luckily he did not harm me. He was just telling me this story about meeting Jesus today and gave him a ride and he's coming back for us or whatever. I put on my seat belt and put my keys in the ignition and started the car, thinking if I had to I'd back out with the door still open even if he was there. Luckily he stepped back and let me go and I slammed the door shut and locked the doors. I was very shaken by this as being a lone woman walking to her car in the dark is kinda terrifying. Would it have been inappropriate to use something in self defense like mace in this instance? What should i have done? He apparently lives in my building, and in the end did not hurt me. But I want to be more prepared because things happen. I'm thinking I need to be more aware, and maybe learn some self defense, just for the future. Frankly I froze because I didn't know WHAT to do. I realized how vulnerable I was being in a dark parking lot by myself. I tried to post elsewhere but got no response. I am thinking I need to learn some basic self defense?

Submitted November 14, 2023 at 01:17AM by Sensitive-Rope3231

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Truck guns and things to consider?

Hey guys so I’ve been thinking about this for a minute now, i currently have a Glock 21 for my (Truck Gun). I’ve been wanting to add a rifle or a sub gun. I have a sbr but don’t actually want to keep that bad boy in there with possible break ins and such. Does anyone carry a sub gun in a rifle form or pistol form? If so what would you recommend that wouldn’t break the bank I’m not opposed to anything would like to see options.

Submitted November 12, 2023 at 06:00PM by abryce87

Can superpowers appear in real life?

In the future?

Submitted November 12, 2023 at 09:47AM by Itchy_Salamander_935

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Castle doctrine shooting.

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 09:35PM by theforcereview

Defense Bandana

Several years ago there was a website that had directions for making a defense bandana using a dog choker collar and a bandana. Any chance someone remembers that site? It was Don Raric or something like that. TIA!

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 08:48AM by Proud_Mine3407

Friday, November 10, 2023

I'm sure I will inevitably need to fight

I live with an ex-felon with an assault charge. He is stronger and most likely more experienced with fights than I am. I'm sure any day now he will attack me. Me and the other roommates are working on forcing him to leave, but it's a gradual process. I can't use weapons or dirty tactics, at least not right away, but I intend to fight like the cornered animal that I will become when this happens. Since I need to wait for him to fucking sucker punch me with his ex-convict strength, how can I come out of this with as little damage as possible?

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 12:29AM by TypicalSelection6647

What do you think of these stretches for kicks?

What do you think of these stretches for higher kicks and the question mark kick?

  1. Start with lateral leg raises, 10 on each leg
  2. Butterfly stretch for 30 seconds
  3. Hamstring stretch, 10 seconds on each leg (I'm not sure if it's still called a hamstring stretch when you're doing it on one leg at a time)
  4. Butterfly stretch again for 30 seconds
  5. For good measure, another 10 lateral leg raises on each leg

How does that sound? Since I'm a beginner I can't do anything more complex than that, and nothing longer than that. I plan on doing these right before I sleep. Are these stretches enough to get substantially higher kicks and master the question mark kick? I can already KIND OF do the question mark kick, but I always lose my balance.

Submitted November 10, 2023 at 04:17PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Can an umbrella by used for selfdefense purposes?

Obviously not the best self defense weapon but I was wondering if you swung it around, would that make the guy to scared to approach you or if you used it like a sword and aimed for the head or the gut with the sharp.

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 06:20PM by FreakShowRed7

Reality Check - Dirty tricks

What is your opinion on this video? I totally agree with him; eye gouging etc. are not the super powers that people think.

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 12:45PM by Clod89

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Self defense ideas for my home

Hello. I live in the US but I am an immigrant with employment permit, I am not allowed to buy a gun since I am not a citizen or permanent resident. But not too long ago someone broke into a house that is not very far from mine and I have been thinking what I could use like a Pellet pistol, crossbow or bow and arrow. What do you guys recommend ?

Submitted November 07, 2023 at 11:48PM by Intelligent-Roof4555

Are there any striking gyms that don’t use gloves?

My main paranoia is repeated head impact trauma (CTE). Which we know can be much worse when using gloves.

But I don’t mind the occasional black eye from sparring accidents. Plus I feel like gloves off is better practise for real life self defence.

Are there any gyms that practise any striking martial arts like Muay Thai, boxing etc without using gloves?

I’m in Sydney Australia but curious in general too.


Submitted November 07, 2023 at 08:02PM by Neanderthal888

How to protect yourself from creepy men?


Submitted November 07, 2023 at 10:03AM by vampire_eater

Monday, November 6, 2023

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Wrestler vs Strong Football Player

Would being a fit person with good wrestling background (but weak striking) work against a football player? Like 185ish pound wrestler against 220ish pound football player/strong fit person. Could you get up close with them and grapple them to the ground or would that not work?

Submitted November 06, 2023 at 12:51AM by manofwater3615

Self defense help from a mentally unstable friend

Every Friday I have some of my buddies over (I'm 16) at my house and we usually don't do anything to intense, but one of my friends -We'll call him josh- has very mild autism and likes to yell and scream constantly, and sometimes chokes people when he doesn't get his way. He is very loud and annoying.

However, when I try to show him how it feels, or be fair with him by making loud sounds(using an instrument), he ends up stealing it from me and continues yelling. I am confused whether our actions are fair or not and I would like some advice so I can safely disarm him whenever he takes my instruments.

I also would like advice on enforcing strict (er) rules in my house in order to make him calmer.

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 06:32PM by Leafmeleon

LOCK the Door! Here's your 15 Second SAFE Tip!

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 05:27PM by SAFEInternational

Self-Defense Tips to Thwart Purse Snatching

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 04:59PM by SAFEInternational

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Midnight Street Brawl

Thought this would be a fun discussion for this sub, hope Im not braking any rules.

Picture this:

It's around midnight, and you're strolling down a bustling street with a couple of your friends, heading to the next bar. The atmosphere is alive with people moving up and down the street, and it's an active night for the town. Suddenly, out of the blue, a guy who's with his own group of friends bumps into you. He starts yelling, claiming you saw him coming and should've stepped aside. Both of you are clearly a little tipsy, and in the heat of the moment, he shoves you. People nearby notice the commotion, and before you realize it, a circle forms around the two of you.

He raises his hands, signaling that a fight is about to go down. The crowd starts whipping out their phones to record and shouting all sorts of things. Your opponent, standing 3 inches taller and weighing about 20 pounds more than you, leaves you with a choice: which martial arts pack would you rely on to give you an edge in this altercation?

All else being equal (same quality dojo across disciplines, etc) and all packs assuming you’ve trained for 2 years on each discipline:

Pack 1: boxing + wrestling

Pack 2: muay thai + bjj

Pack 3: boxing + muay thai

Pack 4: wrestling + bjj

Pack 5: boxing + bjj

Pack 6: muay thai + wrestling

Submitted November 04, 2023 at 06:10PM by Upbeat-Detective6872

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Road rage situations?

I have my way of handling this, which is to essentially stop/pull over the vehicle and wait for the offender to clear out. I have been in many of these instances, and this has virtually always worked. However, I do have my concerns about if the person gets out of their car and approaches. In this case, I would leave my windows shut and dial 911, but I am wondering if there is anything more I can do. Brandishing a firearm seems like an unwanted/unnecessary escalation unless the person starts banging on the car/trying to break in. Obviously pepper spray could work if I exit the car and stand my ground, but I would think staying inside the car would generally be the safer option. I am in a stand-your-ground state, do not own a firearm, and frankly do not wish to, as I think they only increase the likelihood that things can get out of hand. I'm wondering if anyone has any intelligent, strategic, ideally non-violent ways of dealing with this kind of situation, other than what I've already outlined.

Submitted November 02, 2023 at 05:42PM by Fine-Economy-2186

Pepper spray ideas for my wife.

So my wife is a teacher and they recently had a meeting with some local pd about actions to take for a shooting. My wife has a room in the middle of a building with no windows and a door that opens out into the hallway. Meaning escape options are limited and barring the door is limited. Her door has a lock but I was hoping for recommendations for a good pepper spray that has the best throw distance. I've seen people ask the question about what's the best, but wanted to ask specifically for throw distance. I know bear mace can throw 25ft plus, but is it as effective as pepper spray?

Thank you all in advance.

Submitted November 02, 2023 at 08:09AM by Dagger18

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Is once a week enough?

I mainly train at a gym for aesthetics, but I still want to learn boxing for self-defence and my goal is to atleast be able to hold my own in a street fight and defend myself against the average fighter. I lift 4x a week and can go to a boxing gym only once a week. would that be enough o reach my goal?


Submitted November 01, 2023 at 07:53PM by 21Juqmi

Should I cross train or learn one art at a time.

Hello Everyone I have been looking to join a Martial Arts gym, there are 3 gyms I'm my area one for Muay Thai, one for BJJ, and one that offers both, they are all around the same price, I am wondering should I go to one of the gyms that offer only one of the arts, and learn one at a time to focus on one specific art, or should I join the gym that offers both and cross train in both at the same time.

Submitted November 01, 2023 at 05:56PM by Worldly_Ad5417