Being in California I thought it would be impossible to ever have my ccw prior to leaving the state, but with the shift in politics in the last few years, I thought I’d get on it before I miss my chance.I’m not super happy about the hoops I have to jump through, or the fact that it might take 6 to 9 months to get it, but I am happy to be taking this step.Edit to add: I’m applying through Sonoma County, which has been better recently because of our current Sheriff. Should take 4 months or less to get approval for ccw training course, and could take a total of about 9 months for issuance, 6 if I’m “really on top of it”.Thanks to a lot of research on this sub, I’ve narrowed my current holster quest down to two I like the most. I’ll be carrying a Glock 26 aiwb/iwb if I’m granted my license. When I leave california I’ll probably look into a 43 or 43x for ccw, but that’s down the road. Some may ask why apply if I know I’m leaving, and it really comes down to not missing an opportunity where I’m applying and the costs are being covered.I’ve started to see this opportunity to finally buy myself new and better fitting clothes, both to aid in carrying, and just as an update to a wardrobe that hasn’t changed in 5-6 years. New un namable belts, new pants and just a good overhaul of my style.Adding in a better diet to my already established exercise routine and aiwb is only getting more comfortable as I practice around the house. I’m not sure if anyone else saw carrying as a segue into a life changing moment, but the concept and reality of carrying has really motivated me in many ways. I really look forward to being able to exercise my right and be better prepared to keep myself and loved ones safe.After my training course I plan on taking some more classes to better build my knowledge base. I’ll make sure to add a stop the bleed course in there as well as other medical training equal to my shooting training.Felt like sharing this long winded post with those of you here because I’m happy to be on this path. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3GfEMYl
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