Sunday, October 31, 2021

Question Regarding VOLUNTARY Mental Health Treatment - VA

~ THROWAWAY FOR SECURITY REASONS ~Hey all,Pretty much the title. I turned 21 last week, and live in VA. I am an advocate of the CCW and firmly believe that it will improve my defensive safety, as I occasionally commute home from work late at night on public transport in some not-so-good-areas, to say the least. I'm competent in my abilities and understand the goal is to never have to use it, although you can never be careful.I'm in the process of filing out my application online, and there's one thing regarding a previous health treatment that I'm simply not able to get around - mental health facility. Ideally, I'd like to not perjure myself, and I'm not really sure what the best course of action is here. VA State Police Firearm Hotline is closed on Sundays, and the internet was really clear, so here I am!In early March of 2021, I was suffering from a period of brief depression and decided the best course of action would be to go get checked out at my local hospital. After keeping me overnight, they recommended that I go to a behavioral health treatment facility in the next town over for a couple of days just to make sure everything would be all good, and to get a better sense of understanding of what was going on. I was reluctant initially, but I then agreed.I stayed there for five days, and wow - did it help. Won't say the name of the facility (you know, just privacy LOL), but they did an amazing job. The only issue is now, I'm concerned about my ability to be allowed to legally carry. I am not an active nor passive suicide risk, and my new medication has ensured that I will not have any urge to feel the thoughts that I have again, so please - don't say "don't get a gun." I understand that our goal here is to ensure no gun-related deaths occur, but it is simply not an issue. I'm not trying to be rude or anything here, but I'm afraid I may be judged for my past struggles that are very far behind me.When filling out the VA application (I can link it, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to?), there were a couple of questions that I simply don't know how to answer, I'll link 'em as follows:___SECTION 8(B): HAVE YOU BEEN COMMITTED TO THE CUSTODY OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES?IF YES, COMPLETE FORM 2 PART A PAGE 2 ( SEE NOTICE 4 PAGE 3)I answered "NO" on this one, because to my knowledge, there was no "custody" involved or "Commisioner of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services" mentioned anywhere in my hospital report, which I have in front of me. Am I doing the correct thing? I went to my local hospital, they recommended that I go to this facility (saying it was my "choice") and I agreed.___SECTION 8(D): HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLUNTARILY ADMITTED TO A FACILITY OR ORDERED TO MANDATORY OUTPATIENT TREATMENT, OR WERE YOU THE SUBJECT OF A TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDER PURSUANT TO VA. CODE § 37.2-809 WHO LATER AGREED TO VOLUNTARY ADMISSION UNDER VA. CODE § 37.2-805? IF YES, COMPLETE FORM2 PAGE 2 AS INDICATED BELOW. ( SEE NOTICE 4 PAGE 3)1. COMPLETE PART C OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF INVOLUNTARILY ADMITTED2. COMPLETE PART D OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF ORDERED TO MANDATORY OUTPATIENT TREATMENT3. COMPLETE PART E OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF VOLUNTARILY ADMITTED SUBSEQUENT TO A TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDERThis one was a little simpler, but I also answered "NO", as there was no "INVOLUNTARY" mention of anything. They told me that I had a "choice" - since I was legally of age, I didn't HAVE to go inside, but they mentioned I would probably get TDO'd if I didn't accept. They said an officer would come to my home, pick me up, and then it would be listed as "INVOLUNTARY" and I'd be on the classic "72-hour-psych-hold" that everyone talks about.Now, the "TDO" thing is what scares me. To the best of my knowledge, I was NOT TDO'd under any circumstance. When I arrived at the facility, they told me I could leave and presumably get TDO'd and locked into the 72-hour period, or I could stay and they would keep it as "VOLUNTARY." Just the fact that the third part says "VOLUNTARY" is what I don't like about it. I am confident that I'm right, but again, not trying to perjure myself. That would suck.___SECTION 8(E): HAVE YOU RECEIVED MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT OR SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT IN A RESIDENTIAL SETTING WITHIN THE FIVE YEARS PRIOR TO THE DATE OFTHIS APPLICATION?This is the first one I answered "YES" on, since I did receive mental health treatment. I'm just confused on what they mean by "residential setting", as it was in an actual hospital facility. Are they referencing outpatient treatment here? It just is leaving me confused.___Yes, so that's pretty much it. If this is long, I'm sorry. If these are easy obvious questions, I also apologize. I just would like to figure out what the best course of action is, and if I will be legally permitted to carry. Having a firearm is a responsbility, and I do genuinely feel that it is necessary for the defensive spectrum of my safety travelling home from work on some nights. I appreciate your insight, and welcome any critique and comments you may have.If you need more info - PM me. This is a burner account, but I'll log back in and check it periodically. If you have any other resources or whatnot that would be useful, please drop 'em my way. Thanks! via /r/CCW

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