Sunday, September 18, 2022

why guns are rarely used in self defense

If you look at statistics, you’ll see that guns are rarely used to stop crimes. Here’s the thing about that though… the overwhelming majority of incidents in which crimes are completely stopped, go unreported, because the crime was prevented, thus, they are not included in any statistics anywhere. No record of them exists. I know people who have used guns to stop crimes.

My cousin always carries, and he drives a tow truck. A few years ago, the guy who’s car he had to tow came charging at him saying he was going to F him up, and my cousin simply pulled back his shirt to reveal his holstered weapon, and that was the end of the incident. Why would my cousin feel the need to report that? Nothing happened. No one got hurt. The guy went back inside his house and my cousin towed his car, and continued with his day.

Stuff like that happens. I can’t tell you how often, and no one else can either. I’m glad my cousin had his gun with him though, because otherwise he may have been badly hurt, or even killed. Who knows what that guy was really going to do? Maybe he would have just acted tough and done nothing anyway, but maybe he would have beaten the crap out of my cousin.

The problem with anti-gun laws is that they don’t stop violence, and they don’t stop criminals from getting guns. All they really do, is prevent law-abiding people from having guns for self-defense.

Another way to illustrate this, is to use those people who made videos of themselves, destroying their own guns, in response to one of the mass shootings. Were these well-meaning, empathetic people planning to commit a mass shooting? Probably not, so… them destroying their guns does literally NOTHING to prevent mass shootings. It helps in no way. It is a gesture of good will, and nothing more. On the flip side, are people who ARE planning mass shootings going to give up their guns? 100% absolutely not. Not only will they never give up their guns; they’ll buy them on the black market if they’re somehow prevented from buying them legally.

The only legitimate way to prevent mass shootings is to allow everyone to carry, everywhere. Now, I know you might react to that with a laugh, thinking that its absurd and stupid. Please consider what I’m about to say.

People who commit mass shootings are not brave. They are the most cowardly type of person. The type of person that doesn’t care if they have a completely unfair advantage. The type of person that doesn’t care if they kill innocent people. The type of person who wants to feel powerful, and destroy lives, unchallenged. This is not the type of person who starts a fight on equal ground.

If everyone is potentially carrying a gun, these mass shooters wouldn’t have the balls to open fire, because they very well may be gunned down before they fire a single shot, or at least before they kill anyone. Think about that shooting in Las Vegas. those people were helpless, and gunned down like sheep. What if 20 of them had guns? What if 90 of them had guns? What if 400 of them had guns? How many lives would have been saved if the shooter was met with return fire? If it really was just one guy who killed 59 people and wounded 500 more, how long do you honestly think the shooter would have lasted if half of those people were armed? A few people may have died. Maybe even 10. The shooter had more powerful weapons than most would be carrying, so he might have still killed several people, but they would have gotten him pretty quickly. He would have had seconds.

Getting rid of “Gun Free Zone,” signs would be a start. Imagine a sign outside a school with a picture of a gun that said, “Our Teachers Carry.” Even if 0 teachers in that school had a gun, the sign alone might scare off a would-be shooter. If a few teachers actually did…it might stop one if one did try.

Very few humans want to randomly murder other humans. Most of us just want to live our lives and be happy. Most of us would save someone’s life if we were ever in the position too. I saved someone’s life once. It didn’t even feel like a choice. I wasn’t thinking about what to do. A girl stopped breathing. I gave her mouth to mouth. She came back. You just do it, because it’s a life, and you instinctively want to protect life.

That extends well beyond other humans too. Most of us wouldn’t run over a squirrel on purpose. Yes there are still hunters, but hunting used to be mandatory for survival, and became a tradition. I think an argument can be made against game hunting, but no law should ever be made against hunting, because we have the right to hunt for food.

Submitted September 18, 2022 at 08:54AM by The-Hotshot

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