Friday, September 16, 2022

Fired a warning shot at someone

So Here’s what happened. At 230am Thursday morning I left my house to go meet up with a friend to hangout and play videogames and what not. Well on my way there I stopped at a red light. A car came up slowly behind me but they were in the lane next to me. As soon as the light turned green the gunned it in front of me. I thought: “asshole move” and left it at that.. they turned down the street I was gonna go down. I stopped at a stop sign and turned. They were at another stop sign up ahead not moving. This street is dimly lit and there’s no side streets up to the stop sign. It’s also too narrow to go around him since it’s city parking and there’s too many cars on both sides of the street. He hits reverse and guns it towards me. I really mean he gunned it he wanted to ram my car. I throw it into reverse and I’m backing up as fast as I can and I’m panicking because I’m running out of road. I see we’re I came in from and turn my car the best I can down the road and luckily don’t hit anything. I stop my car and fired and shot out the window and they took off. I say they because the two back doors opened after I stopped. They never rammed me. They stopped before turning and started to get out.

Submitted September 16, 2022 at 04:08PM by matthewstocks

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