Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Opinions on arms?

Effectively untrained in self defence opinion incoming. I feel like self defence past the initial stage of preemptively avoiding the threat, is mainly deterrence. I presume assaulters and other street criminals select their targets after all, and putting myself in their shoes I'm not gonna go for the 6'3" jacked guy when I can try and mug the 5'5" woman, if I was picking a target.

With that in mind, that seems to be the main benefit of a weapon in self defence, to deter the attempt. Now the extreme end is to have a gun holstered or openly carry a machete around, but I'm in the UK so I'm not thinking of anything like that. Putting myself in the shoes of a criminal again I would hesitate if I knew my target had even something innocuous like a hickory cane, pepper spray can or a Swiss army knife, or was likely to have one.

Of course the event of having to use the weapon is a whole other ball game, and that gets more severe as the lethality goes up: hard to differentiate in the chaos between good machete man and bad machete man.

So I guess it's this: should a rather innocuous level of defensive tools be with the average person out and about, like a cane? Or is this basically nonsense?

Submitted September 20, 2022 at 12:54PM by Eboracum_stoica https://ift.tt/UxcuqFk

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