Sunday, September 18, 2022

Living in a country with weird self defence laws.

In the last 20 or so years crime has started to spiral out of control in my country both organised and unorganised crime. While I’m not too worried about the organised crime as that shouldn’t impact me too much I am starting to worry a lot about the not so organised crime as it seems the police are too busy or incompetent (I’m not a police officer so I’m not going to judge) to bring forth a decent solution. For example just in this one week there was a stabbing on a friends block, my dad witnessed another stabbing and my grandparents had their car vandalised. We all live in a fairly rural area with one small city (+-50k) and a few very small towns and yet this isn’t uncommon at all.

Now in different countries firearms or pepperspray / tazers are legal but where I live these are highly illegal and only carried by certain police officers / the military. Carrying knives / force amplifiers is also in a legal gray area while using them in self defence is again highly illegal. Even regular hand to hand self defence can get you in a lot of trouble.

All this makes me worry about if there is anything that I can do other than looking the other way and avoiding all conflict to prevent myself from becoming a victim.

Is there anything I that I could possibly do to make me feel a bit more safe when being outside of the relative safety of my own home?

Submitted September 18, 2022 at 08:22AM by UrUnpaidInetern

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