Sunday, October 31, 2021

As an arizona resident, should I risk bringing my conceal carry handgun to California for a camping trip?

I am struggling with answering this myself so I am coming to Reddit to see if anyone could help me out.I conceal carry everyday in az, I am going on a camping trip next weekend in Joshua tree California. I know carrying a gun in Cali without a permit is a big no no but I’m just wondering, is it really that big of a deal if I’m going to be camping in a remote location? Obviously I would have to drive into Cali first and that’s the part I’m struggling with. Basically what I’m asking is it worth it to bring it and possibly risk getting caught by getting pulled over, or is it really not that big of a deal?Let me know your thoughts, thanks in advance! via /r/CCW

Help selecting a pocket holster

Just bought a Glock 43x. Does anyone know if there is a pocket or wallet holster made for this pistol. I normally dress khaki and polo and a IWB is way too noticeable at work. via /r/CCW

Just had a near miss, could use some insight

We were having a great night giving out candy to trick or treaters. A truck drove by and someone inside threw a water bottle with considerable force out the window and nearly hit my fiancee in the face. The first thing that concerns me is how long it took for the situation to register. Once I collected my thoughts, I know better than to chase them down, but they were stuck at the red light at the next block. I ran down to try to get a picture of their plate and tried to memorize it as I did. My phone froze and I wasn't able to memorize the plate number. My inability to remember that detail also bothers me. I'm still angry and playing out all sorts of scenarios in my head. I'm not aggressive at all and I'm not an action hero, but had someone got out of the truck as I approached I don't know if my anger would've outweighed my fear. I guess this is half rant, half looking for suggestions on how to improve on reaction time and memorizing details, and any other suggestions related to the situation. Thanks in advance

Submitted October 31, 2021 at 09:41PM by NumerousGarbage9032

Torn between 2 ccw options

I’m looking at getting my 2nd concealed carry handgun and can’t decide between 2 options. The Sig Sauer P250, and the P238. The p250 is the 2sum and it’s been a grail gun of mine for a while. The p238 I’m getting 2nd hand in a slightly used condition. I currently carry a Glock 17 9mm and don’t mind the size but figured I’d aim for something smaller this time around. I’d appreciate any suggestions between the 2. I have fired a few sig handguns before and really enjoy them which is why I’ve narrowed it down to the 2 options. via /r/CCW

My main carry guns, Glock 42 380acp and a Ruger SP101 357mag. via /r/CCW

My EDC. I swear im not a fudd. via /r/CCW

Edc via /r/CCW

Help on importance of concealed comfort

Hello all, I am having a hard time deciding my daily carry between a sig p365 xl and a mr920 (essentially the size of a Glock 19 for those who don't know) the mr920 reloads way smoother for me and when I draw and aim the grip angle for me always puts the red dot in the center of the window (or very close). However it is not as comfortable to appendix carry or as easy to conceal with my body type compared to the sig. The sig is as stated easier and more comfortable to conceal carry but the reloads are not as smooth, sometimes my palm stops the mag from dropping free and when I draw and aim the red dot is sometimes not in the window for me since the grip angle is not quite as natural for how I point. I know some of these things with training will change just curious on people's opinions of these issues. via /r/CCW

Any tips for getting written permission to carry on college campus in Oklahoma?

Written permission is the only way to be allowed to carry on campus. via /r/CCW

Question Regarding VOLUNTARY Mental Health Treatment - VA

~ THROWAWAY FOR SECURITY REASONS ~Hey all,Pretty much the title. I turned 21 last week, and live in VA. I am an advocate of the CCW and firmly believe that it will improve my defensive safety, as I occasionally commute home from work late at night on public transport in some not-so-good-areas, to say the least. I'm competent in my abilities and understand the goal is to never have to use it, although you can never be careful.I'm in the process of filing out my application online, and there's one thing regarding a previous health treatment that I'm simply not able to get around - mental health facility. Ideally, I'd like to not perjure myself, and I'm not really sure what the best course of action is here. VA State Police Firearm Hotline is closed on Sundays, and the internet was really clear, so here I am!In early March of 2021, I was suffering from a period of brief depression and decided the best course of action would be to go get checked out at my local hospital. After keeping me overnight, they recommended that I go to a behavioral health treatment facility in the next town over for a couple of days just to make sure everything would be all good, and to get a better sense of understanding of what was going on. I was reluctant initially, but I then agreed.I stayed there for five days, and wow - did it help. Won't say the name of the facility (you know, just privacy LOL), but they did an amazing job. The only issue is now, I'm concerned about my ability to be allowed to legally carry. I am not an active nor passive suicide risk, and my new medication has ensured that I will not have any urge to feel the thoughts that I have again, so please - don't say "don't get a gun." I understand that our goal here is to ensure no gun-related deaths occur, but it is simply not an issue. I'm not trying to be rude or anything here, but I'm afraid I may be judged for my past struggles that are very far behind me.When filling out the VA application (I can link it, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to?), there were a couple of questions that I simply don't know how to answer, I'll link 'em as follows:___SECTION 8(B): HAVE YOU BEEN COMMITTED TO THE CUSTODY OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES?IF YES, COMPLETE FORM 2 PART A PAGE 2 ( SEE NOTICE 4 PAGE 3)I answered "NO" on this one, because to my knowledge, there was no "custody" involved or "Commisioner of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services" mentioned anywhere in my hospital report, which I have in front of me. Am I doing the correct thing? I went to my local hospital, they recommended that I go to this facility (saying it was my "choice") and I agreed.___SECTION 8(D): HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLUNTARILY ADMITTED TO A FACILITY OR ORDERED TO MANDATORY OUTPATIENT TREATMENT, OR WERE YOU THE SUBJECT OF A TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDER PURSUANT TO VA. CODE § 37.2-809 WHO LATER AGREED TO VOLUNTARY ADMISSION UNDER VA. CODE § 37.2-805? IF YES, COMPLETE FORM2 PAGE 2 AS INDICATED BELOW. ( SEE NOTICE 4 PAGE 3)1. COMPLETE PART C OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF INVOLUNTARILY ADMITTED2. COMPLETE PART D OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF ORDERED TO MANDATORY OUTPATIENT TREATMENT3. COMPLETE PART E OF FORM 2 PAGE 2 IF VOLUNTARILY ADMITTED SUBSEQUENT TO A TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDERThis one was a little simpler, but I also answered "NO", as there was no "INVOLUNTARY" mention of anything. They told me that I had a "choice" - since I was legally of age, I didn't HAVE to go inside, but they mentioned I would probably get TDO'd if I didn't accept. They said an officer would come to my home, pick me up, and then it would be listed as "INVOLUNTARY" and I'd be on the classic "72-hour-psych-hold" that everyone talks about.Now, the "TDO" thing is what scares me. To the best of my knowledge, I was NOT TDO'd under any circumstance. When I arrived at the facility, they told me I could leave and presumably get TDO'd and locked into the 72-hour period, or I could stay and they would keep it as "VOLUNTARY." Just the fact that the third part says "VOLUNTARY" is what I don't like about it. I am confident that I'm right, but again, not trying to perjure myself. That would suck.___SECTION 8(E): HAVE YOU RECEIVED MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT OR SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT IN A RESIDENTIAL SETTING WITHIN THE FIVE YEARS PRIOR TO THE DATE OFTHIS APPLICATION?This is the first one I answered "YES" on, since I did receive mental health treatment. I'm just confused on what they mean by "residential setting", as it was in an actual hospital facility. Are they referencing outpatient treatment here? It just is leaving me confused.___Yes, so that's pretty much it. If this is long, I'm sorry. If these are easy obvious questions, I also apologize. I just would like to figure out what the best course of action is, and if I will be legally permitted to carry. Having a firearm is a responsbility, and I do genuinely feel that it is necessary for the defensive spectrum of my safety travelling home from work on some nights. I appreciate your insight, and welcome any critique and comments you may have.If you need more info - PM me. This is a burner account, but I'll log back in and check it periodically. If you have any other resources or whatnot that would be useful, please drop 'em my way. Thanks! via /r/CCW

Looking for moisture control ideas when carrying a gun on a through hike...

/r/Survival/comments/qjcfqw/looking_for_moisture_control_ideas_when_carrying/ via /r/CCW

X Guard Sweep to Ankle Lock options. #anklelock

Submitted October 31, 2021 at 04:18PM by Sickness81

Very comfortably prepared via /r/CCW

Boo! via /r/CCW

Todays deep cover EDC via /r/CCW


/r/handguns/comments/qjrjjm/opinions/ via /r/CCW

Dealing with Aggressive Chokes

Simple ways to deal with aggressive chokes in which the attacker has their hands around your neck and driving your forward/backwards. Open to input as always

Submitted October 31, 2021 at 10:22AM by Heiny90

How hard to grip a pistol?

My MantisX complains when I grip the pistol too tight, and it's probably detecting the wobble due to the muscle tremor.However, if I recall correctly, Jerry Miculek advocates gripping a pistol super super hard to minimize the muzzle flip.What are your thoughts on this?I feel like a bit of wobbling is OK, given that my training is primarily focused on becoming as proficient as possible at using my pistol in a defensive encounter. And these mostly occur at distances of less than 10 feet, if I recall that statistic correctly. At that range, a bit of a wobble due to muscle tremor seems like a reasonable tradeoff for added control of the pistol during rapid fire. via /r/CCW

How noticeable are tuckable clips?

I would like to preface this by saying this is all theoretical as I would never think to leave my house with a murder machine in my wonderful, may issue state. And especially not in the nearby major city with its barney fife cops that are likely too few in number to even respond to calls as no one wants to be a cop in that city.So with that out of the way, i pose this scenario:You work in an environment in which tucked in shirts are expected or required. You know that options like the ulticlip exist which are excellent for concealability with this constraint, but they are a pain to get on while working with your belt.Also, you want to have one holster you can quickly snap on for work or the weekend.You are scared to use the stock tuckable clips that many holsters come with because, while you do give yourself an edge in concealability by dressing black on black (black pants with a black belt), and you know that in fleeting moments like visiting mcdonalds, no one would notice a clip on your belt,You are worried that at work, where you are in close proximity to the same people for hours every day for several months, one day a coworker will have studied your appearence enough to loudly ask, "hey geth, i noticed you always have that clip thing on your pants, what is it?!"Is this a realistic scenario one could encounter when using tuckable clips, or would even coworkers be too oblivious to notice them? via /r/CCW

Lots of posts about what you carry but here are the pictures!!! Post yours up! via /r/CCW

Advice for being stalked?

I had this friend who was very toxic, i finally blocked her a few months ago but she wont stop stalking me. she left a note in my mail box saying “two can play this game” with hearts. (idk what game lol i literally havent even said anything about her in months.) she drives by my house sometimes, she also makes countless fake accounts to stalk me on social media. (i had to go private on everything but somehow she still finds me) I want to file a report to the police but sadly where im from police dont do much. im ordering a self defense kit soon. any advice?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 01:20PM by Dreaming_on_clouds

Effectiveness of padlock whip chain

I know there are better options for self defense. But what do you all think of this weapon against a single attacker much bigger than you? I have a vintage heavy brass padlock attached to a 15 inch Chain… I certainly wouldn’t want to be hit with it. Thoughts?

Submitted October 31, 2021 at 02:24AM by admstout

Saturday, October 30, 2021

California setup via /r/CCW

Driving with CCW

any truck drivers out there or people who drive for a living? what Holsters and guns do you use to carry all day while driving? via /r/CCW

Make sure yall get some medical kits for emergencies and learn how to use the items. I got three on for the car, one for the home, and one for the work vest. via /r/CCW

Wethepeople ship time?

I was just wondering what other people's experience was with We the People Holsters, I ordered one of their belts 11 days ago and it still hasn't shipped. Has anyone else had to wait this long? via /r/CCW

Shield Plus 13rd Magazines in Stock @ Palmetto all the new and current Shield Plus owners, 13rd magazines are in stock at Palmetto. Figured I'd let r/CCW know considering how vaporware this magazine seems to be. via /r/CCW

McKinatec - 2 months vs Black Arch - 6 days via /r/CCW

Reasonable draw? One warning, draw & fire? It seems like he wanted to abduct the child. via /r/CCW

Almost off of work carry via /r/CCW

Did someone say FLANNEL SEASON 🍁 (semi-spicy pic at the end 😉) Oh and toothbrush for scale :) via /r/CCW

Mini-review, Relentless Carry Belt

I finally got a proper belt, after researching I ended up grabbing a Relentless Tactical leather belt, good reviews and super-fast shipping off Amazon. It is definitely a step up from my regular cinched-tight belt, it doesn't bend and sitting/moving is much easier since it stays put. The biggest improvement is while driving, it stays basically vertical and doesn't dig in almost at all. I AIWB a CZ PCR so this has been a noticable upgrade, I went with a size 40 since I'm usually a loose 38 and it's perfect. via /r/CCW

Did someone say FLANNEL SEASON 🍁 (semi-spicy pic at the end 😉) Oh and toothbrush for scale :) via /r/CCW

Escape from head chancery, world Jujitsu Federatio

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 03:55PM by azizsyr

Staging pistols around the house

I'm considering staging a few of my pistols around the house. Is it a good idea, or am I just becoming “ that guy”?For a point of clarity: my concern is for when I'm not and home and my wife is there alone. She can shoot but doesn’t carry all the time. via /r/CCW

Flannel season has descended upon us via /r/CCW

Weird dream

Had a dream last night I was somewhere with my family seemed like a camp ground. It was dark out and I was near the woods and heard some tussling so I used the light on my phone to see what it was but was too dim to see anything. So I started walking back to my family and a wolf passed me and headed straight for my 2 yr old son. I drew my gun but no magazine was in it. Went in the center console of my truck that was parked right there to grab it. Tried slamming it in and it wouldn’t lock in place to load it.Woke up just as this wolf was a foot away from my wife and son.They say dreams can be your biggest fear. Maybe now that I carry I worry subconsciously I won’t be there to protect them when they need it.And FYI I always carry and I always have one in the pipe. Strange. via /r/CCW

PepperBall VKS Launcher

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 01:29PM by Hodl_2020

Are more fexible belts possibly better?

I currently have a "shall not be named" gun belt which has been great, love the ratchet system. However, I find concealment and comfort sometimes better with a softish leather belt that I wear occasionally. I carry appendix and am athletic build. 43x in Velo4 or LAS shōgun.It seems like my stiff gun belt doesn't work with the claw as well. It also leaves a big gap on the slide side to belly button, because of it's stiffness, whereas a softer belt seems to suck the whole rig up closer to my body and concealed much better.I enjoy the stiff belt so that I can't synch down onto my hips, but it seems a little too cumbersome and doesn't conceal as well, albeit secure as hell. The belt itself also prints alot under a t-shirt (I live in AZ).Has anyone else found this to be true?Thinking of switching to a more low profile, more flexible ratcheting belt. Recommendations?TLDR: More flexible gun belt better than stiff one?TIA via /r/CCW

Anecdotal caution on the LCP Max: nothing but issues for me after 2 weeks via /r/CCW


So tier-1 is having a 20% off sale and I’ve been looking at holsters from them for 5-6 months. Any recommendations? There are so many options and it gets a bit overwhelming. I don’t want to spend around $100 on something that’s uncomfortable and I won’t use. Thanks in advance! via /r/CCW

Winter carry > via /r/CCW

What do u guys think of my new carry peace? Been getting a lot of looks from the ladies every time I conceal carry it via /r/CCW

Friday, October 29, 2021

Curious how many people carry on a college campus.

I'm a grad student at Georgia Tech. I live off campus and have to walk through areas I would consider to be quite unsafe. At the beginning of this semester it seemed like we were getting weekly emails about homicides, armed robberies, or general gun violence just off campus. Thankfully, Georgia has campus carry.I'm kind of curious though. How many other people campus carry regularly? Bonus points if you're in Georgia. Super bonus points if you're at Tech. I feel like I'd be surprised if there are even a handful of us at Tech. via /r/CCW

Do you own multiple WML for your handguns?

Bought a TLR7A for my P320 and decided I did not want to keep swapping it over to my Glock 19 so now I have 2 TLR7A’s.View Poll via /r/CCW

Best way to carry and run?

Looking for a good carrying solution while going for a run. via /r/CCW

Florida CCW Fingerprints

Hello, I am a 24 year old disabled Marine vet looking to get my CCW issued pretty soon. I have all the paperwork I need except my fingerprints, I have had 7 fingers amputated right below the fingernail due to frostbite. The only fingers that have a fingerprint pattern are my two thumbs and pinky. Would this be a problem getting issued a permit, even if I am fully capable of operating a firearm and have my DD-214? I’ve looked up and down through google searches and can’t find anything. I even called the fdacs and was put on hold for 20 mins and still had not received a real answer. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you all via /r/CCW

How do u block a push & see it coming?

I hate those situations where someone just comes up to you and pushes you out of nowhere and you go flying to the ground. I guess you should keep your distance and it might be expected in an argument but a lot of times it catches you off guard.

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 07:17PM by spankyourkopita

I am a pocket carry evangelist. Especially if you are a larger dude, there is no more comfortable way to carry. Fight me.

I recently got my LA county CCW permit, and took the opportunity to experiment with different ways to carry. (I previously had a permit a couple years back when I lived in San Diego, but I thought once I moved to LA that carry wasn't going to happen unless SCOTUS intervened. Fortunately, the Sheriff eased up the standard a bit last spring and people have been getting permits).In San Diego, I had gone straight to pocket carry because all I carried really was my little Glock 42. I'm a larger guy, so even though that gun is big compared to other .380s, it comfortably fits in a pocket for me.But now that I also have a 9mm Shield, I thought trying some form of waistband carry made sense. So I did for a couple days. Appendix was super comfortable...until I sat down and my gut wouldn't really allow it, not comfortably anyway. Small of back was pretty workable, but I've heard that can be risky in terms of damaging your spine if you ever fell on your back. And 7pm/8pm carry (I'm a lefty) just wasn't comfortable and seemed to print most of all.I can actually pocket carry the Shield in some of my pants, so I've started to do that and reverted to always pocket carrying. The Shield fits in basically all my pants front pockets, but in some of them, it is a tight fit. You don't want that because the gun can easily get stuck for a second or two if you are trying to get it out fast, which would be disastrous. You should be able to have your hand comfortably on the grip and able to take the whole thing out of the pocket holster without trouble. So with those pants, I stick with the .380 glock.NOTE: When I say pocket carry here, I mean pants pocket. I don't mean like a jacket pocket, though that is an option too that has its own strengths and weaknesses. Anyway, here are the strengths of pocket carry:Pocket carry is peak comfort. You know how people sometimes try to rationalize not carrying because it is a hassle and kind of uncomfortable to get everything on? i.e. "i'm just taking out the trash/going to the store/etc. real quick, I can leave the gun." Ya. Well, with pocket carry, that is not a thing at all because it is THAT comfortable. I grab my gun from my bedroom safe real quick and pop it into its dedicated front pocket just as fast as I grab my phone, wallet, and keys.With the right pocket holster (I use two types, which I will link at the end), printing is not a concern at all. It just looks like a wallet or larger phone in your pocket, even if someone were looking, but no one ever really is.In the situations where you notice a potential threat, you can discreetly have your hand in your pocket, basically ready to draw in an instant if god forbid it were to come to that, without attracting any unwanted attention. You can't really do that with IWB as you'd reveal the gun.This is also related to comfort, but I can't stress enough how nice it is to not have to make sure you didn't just reveal your gun when you reach up to get something, or try and awkwardly adjust the holster when you sit down/stand up. The gun just stays in your pocket the way a wallet does. It's so comfortable I usually forget it is even on me, which is the ideal in terms of carry in my opinion.All that said, there are weaknesses to pocket carry:While if you see a potential threat your draw can be very fast because you can have your hand in your pocket, if you don't see the threat until an attack has suddenly begun, then drawing the gun is certainly slower and more awkward than an appendix draw.If you are not a large guy like me, then appendix (or the recently popular enigma) might actually be just as comfortable, or close enough that its other advantages win out over any lack of comfort. I have been losing weight, so maybe if I eventually lose my gut I'll give it another try.That whole forgetting it is on you thing can be a disadvantage too. As an attorney, I have to attend court regularly (albeit less in person lately, thanks to the pandemic). One time back in San Diego, I parked my car in the parking garage in downtown and walked the 15 minutes all the way to the courthouse, only to remember when I saw the metal detectors that I had the G42 in my pocket. My fat ass had to run as fast as I could back to my car, then back to the courthouse. I made the hearing in time, barely, but the judge probably was amused wondering why I was sweaty as hell in my suit haha.It's basically a no-go for anyone who regularly wears tight pants, so some guys and most women can't really do it. Even some of the best holsters will indicate the outline of the gun if it the fabric is really pressed against them. And even if printing weren't an issue, getting the gun out quickly would be.Obviously, the size of the gun you can pocket is limited, which removes a lot of options. Lots of people carry a Glock 19 for example, but that definitely isn't a pocket gun even for a large guy like me. And the more in-shape you are, the less pocket options that will fit. I imagine if I succeed in getting healthier and losing weight, the Shield may stop working for me as a sometimes-pocketable gun. The G42 should always be fine though.EDIT: Some people named some other disadvantages in the comments which are valid: 1. "Don’t forget inability to draw from a seated position and the inability to reholster quickly!": 2. "Slow to access, can only access with one hand, limits what you could carry, and forget about it if you get entangled and try to draw."Here are the two holsters I use. I have one of each of them for both the Glock 42 and the Shield. kydex one is great for maximum security, given the gun snaps into place and there is no way to access the trigger. It's hard to see in the pictures, but there is also a little thumb "lip" that you can use to push the holster off the gun quickly if the hook doesn't catch on your pocket and the whole thing comes out when you draw. Weaknesses include that it prints more in tighter pants, and the aforementioned possibility of the gun coming out with the holster still on sometimes, despite the hook shape.The DeSantis nylon holster's strength is in avoiding printing, the flap does a really good job of simulating a wallet. On the rare occasions I carry in a suit jacket, this holster is excellent for an interior jacket pocket. It also just about never comes out with the gun when I practice drawing the gun, the "sticky" exterior does a good job avoiding that. Downsides are that nylon is obviously not as secure as kydex, though this holster has a snug fit and the trigger seems pretty well protected in it. Another downside is that the material can start to feel warm in some situations, and that part of my leg can get a bit sweaty with this holster on a hot day.Would love to hear from you guys about other strengths or weaknesses, or just your general opinion on pocket carry. via /r/CCW

We don't see the beginning but what are your thoughts regarding the man who has his weapon drawn here? via /r/CCW

Got an update on my CCW app...Illinois

So I applied 8/9/2021 after completing my class 8-7 & 8/8. (Great free class btw, in New Lenox IL), paid for prints.I saw a few people who emailed their local reps, so I emailed my state senator and got an immediate response and updated that my app was approved on 10/26. Should be printed and mailed next week.It wasn't/isn't updated in the state police portal yet however.Just as a side note, when I submitted the email via the senators web page one of the categories as 2A issues. That let me know they would listen. I live in south Suburban cook county. virtually all democratic, but trust me when I tell you this...tines are changing and "traditional" gun owners don't exist like they did before. More people get it and I'm glad that my local state Senator is listening!! via /r/CCW

Last post got removed cuz it was just the Shadow via /r/CCW

Sketchy dudes looking at my car

So I was at the car wash/detailing place where people hand washed and detailed cars, there were a bunch of cars all being washed and mine was being washed there too, these two dudes kept looking at it, mind you these two dudes looked like they had money too and been at the car wash before me.

They looked like they was jus standing there waiting for there car to be washed too but im not sure.

One of em came inside the lobby asked one of the ppl waiting, was it their 392 charger outside, the guy said no, so he asked the cashier if they knew whose charger it was. I heard it but I ain’t say nun cause I wanted to see why he was asking.

They were just casually standing outside along other ppl, but I had a feeling as soon as mine was done they was gonna go up to my car and act like it was theirs hence stealing it.

When I got in and turned it on they looked at the car and kept staring, they ain’t see me though.

Thoughts on what was going on or am I just overthinking it

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 03:10PM by Rabbitboi69

My MR920 Combat. We're besties. via /r/CCW

EDC in the Commonwealth via /r/CCW

Tier 1 safety

I just purchased a tier 1 holster set up for a 356X with safety. Does anyone know if it will work if the 365 doesn’t have a safety? via /r/CCW

Don't let Jason or Freddy catch you sleepin' on them CCW skills this weekend. Stay sharp, stay safe. via /r/CCW

Do you keep a round chambered when you put your CCW in the bedside safe?

How do you store your CCW when it’s not on your person? Why? via /r/CCW

Finally found my forever holster via /r/CCW